Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Onamia Zoning Administrator Convicted for Child Porn

Mickey Leroy Carter, who was the Onamia Zoning Administrator that conspired with the Onamia City Council in 2007 to circumvent city ordinances and Minnesota State Law (MN Stat. 462.357) for the purpose of erecting the Mille Lacs Academy 5-building business complex in a R1 Residential neighborhood has been awarded a felony conviction for the possession of child pornography.

According to Brett Larson's article published in the Mille Lacs Messenger, the original sentence of 18 months in state prison has been whittled down to a mere 60 days in jail with 5 years of supervised probation.

"As part of his sentence, Carter is also required to abstain from alcohol and controlled substances, keep the court informed of his current address, and register as a predatory offender. He is not allowed to have unsupervised contact with minors, unless preapproved, or to use the Internet without approval. He cannot possess firearms or dangerous weapons or pornographic materials and must supply a DNA sample and undergo random testing."

Although the Mille Lacs Messenger article reports how the police caught this predatory sex offender and briefly outlines the case against Mr. Carter, a former elementary school teacher, it does not mention Carter's role as city zoning administrator in the implementation of spot-zoning 96 convicted juvenile sex offenders in an unlocked facility built just a four minute stroll from small children at a daycare center.

"They seem to like what I do," said Carter in 2007, referring to the Onamia City Council, when citizens questioned him about his qualifications as zoning administrator. He admitted he had no qualifications or training, but was still given authority to mis-classify the sex offender facility as R2 Residential (instead of commercial or institutional) as well as spot zone the building site as R2 - all with the blessing of Onamia City Council members Mayor Larry Milton, Bob Mickus, Bill Hill, Jerome Kryzer, and Mark Loch. Milton, now deceased, was himself father to Sheldon Myron Milton, also a registered predatory sex offender. (See Predatory offender fails to register, Mille Lacs Messenger, March 8, 2011.)

The Onamia City Council may well have liked what Mickey Carter "did", as certainly did the Nexus Corporation - owner of the Mille Lacs Academy juvenile sex offender facility. They accomplished their goal, overcoming the laws forbidding their dream, as well as squashing the resistance of local citizens whose rights were abolished while the local government served the corporation instead of protecting its citizens. Yes, the Onamia/Nexus coalition got pretty much everything they wanted. Still, Minnesota Statute 462.357 succinctly states that:

"... a residential facility whose primary purpose is to treat juveniles who have violated criminal statutes relating to sex offenses or have been adjudicated delinquent on the basis of conduct in violation of criminal statutes relating to sex offenses shall not be considered a permitted use [in an area zoned residential]."

The Internet can be a wonderful tool... Perhaps things might have been different in Bradbury Township if the Onamia Zoning Administer had elected to use his computer (or his allegedly stolen school computer) to perform his job as a public servant- like researching Minnesota zoning laws for the good of the community .... rather than .... satisfying his personal desires.

Naw. Nothing can stop the inevitable.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Judge not, lest ye be judged


43 HOUSE MEMBERS SLAM JUSTICES SCALIA, THOMAS, AND ALITO FOR ETHICS SCANDALS | As ThinkProgress previously reported, Rep. Chris Murphy (D-CT) circulated a letter calling upon the House Judiciary Committee’s leadership to hold a hearing his bill ending the Supreme Court’s immunity to key judicial ethics laws. Murphy’s bill is inspired by numerous recent ethics scandals involving the Court’s most conservative members:

There have been alarming reports of justices – most notably Justices Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito – attending political events and using their position to fundraise for organizations. These activities would be prohibited if the justices were required to abide by the Judicial Conference Code of Conduct, which currently applies to all other federal judges. [...]

Recent revelations about Justice Thomas accepting tens of thousands of dollars’ worth of gifts from individuals and organizations who often have an interest in matters before the courts calls into question the Court’s impartiality. Canon 4D of the Code of Conduct incorporates regulations providing that “[a] judicial officer or employee shall not accept a gift from anyone who is seeking official action from or doing business with the court.” Yet Justice Thomas received a gift valued at $15,000 from an organization that had a brief pending before his Court at the very moment they gave him the gift. Incidents such as these undermine the integrity of the entire judiciary, and they should not be allowed to continue.

Forty-three Members of Congress have now joined Murphy’s call to end the Supreme Court’s ethics immunity.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Nexus - Leaving No Trees to Hug?

More trouble for (and caused by) Nexus...

From the Mille Lacs Messenger:

Norway Pine lawsuit in Onamia

I can't get enough of these "I told you so" moments, and Nexus keeps providing me with plenty to gab about. Back in 2007, when the OACRG (Onamia Area Citizens for Responsible Growth) was battling the Onamia City Council as they forced the Nexus juvenile sex offender institution into our unwillingly ANNEXED residential neighborhood (MN Stat. 462.357, AND spot zoning, etc.) we ... expressed concerns about several issues.

One of our concerns was about the environmental impact of building the Mille Lacs Academy in the dictated location. We debated at length about the Rum River, Lake Onamia, wetlands and woodlands.... including technical stuff... like alluvial soil... We even wrote and started to distribute a petition for an environmental impact study - but gave up after we found out that it would be the city council who would decide (and they already had decided that such studies such as environmental impact and traffic weren't necessary.... since they also already decided to represent the interests of the corporation and the rest of the world be damned.) But after we were totally ignored by the Onamia City Council (at the time - Mayor Larry Milton, and Councilmen Bob Mickus, Bill Hill, Jerome Kryzer, and Mark Loch), once again Nexus proved us right. Who can forget that big oil spill that cost Nexus some $33,000 of your tax dollars for Minnesota Polution Control Agency fines for violations? [See: Wetland impacts, oil spill at Nexus site and Stormwater violations from Onamia Nexus project reported by the Mille Lacs Messenger].

Of course, the harm to our environment was just one of our concerns. If you recall, we were bothered by several things; for instance - the lack of security and the large number of escaping sex offenders. Well, have you read the sheriff's reports lately? Yep. I told you so. We were very concerned about taxes going up as our property values plummeted (Yep. I told you so.) We were concerned about not being able to sell our homes should we wish to leave a community which robbed us of our constitutional rights - such as the right to vote and/or run for office... which we were denied in the city of Onamia. (Yep. I told you so. My home has been on the market for over three years. Two others that I know of haven't sold either.) The list of Nexus problems goes on and on, folks, including the havoc they have reeked upon my family by suing me twice. Check out the Mille Lacs News for information and links.

Sooooo..... you say..... Just another bunch of tree-huggers whining about "Progress". Well, my friends, in order to be "tree-huggers" one needs trees to hug. And according to reports, Nexus chopped down a bunch of trees belonging to Citizen Bill Konze that it had absolutely no rights to whatsoever. But why doesn't this surprise me? Nexus is what Nexus is... It does whatever it wants - to benefit its own exclusive higher-ups. And nobody dare say no. Or else!

To quote Bill Konze quoting someone else as he summed up the futility of our situation in 2007.... "The Golden Rule: He who has the gold, rules." Nexus certainly has plenty of "gold". Taxpayer gold... Investment gold. Personally, I think they should use all that money to do good things - like help poor troubled boys [Criminal sexual conduct charge for Nexus worker ], perhaps better screening of potential employees?, pay their GOOD workers a decent wage, contribute to the community they have taken over, compensate people they wrong, as well as pay up for their mistakes - instead of using it to pay lawyers to sue outspoken people like me, circumventation.... manipulation... to get out of paying what they owe. Nexus has proven itself to be a big, bad wolf. And who's afraid of the Big Bad Wolf? Why - everyone is.

Well, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Good Neighbor Bill wins his lawsuit and gets a little of that gold to make up for at least some of the damages caused by the Nexus Corporation*. C'mon.... Certainly Nexus can't win ALL the time. Of course, money can't fix all ailments. It can't cure all the hurt. After the Mille Lacs County tax abatement meeting on December 4, 2007, Nexus CEO Jim D'Angelo scorned Konze with a snide "Game over. You lost." Nice, huh? What a sensitive guy... Well, perhaps the "game" isn't over yet.

Good luck, Bill.

*According to the article in the Mille Lacs Messenger, Konze is suing the City of Onamia for damages caused by Nexus while constructing the juvenile sex offender facility. As I understand it, Konze is not suing the Nexus Corporation itself. Which is probably wise.... since Nexus' lawyers are still busy with me....

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

One Nation with liberty and defamation for all

By now, everyone who reads me knows about former Nexus CEO Jim D'Angelo suing me because I called him "Poopsie" and said that he was "arrogant". And that Nexus board member Peter D. Freeman sued me because I embarrassed him when I said in a personal, confidential email that he was engaging in "unethical, immoral, and possibly even illegal" activities. (It wasn't defamation - it was my constitutionally protected opinion plus the truth. What he was involved with really is illegal*.) The Nexus Corporation sued me because after a zoning public hearing I used an idiom - saying that Nexus "got away with murder."

Now, for all of you who were so shocked and horrified by me - to the point where you think I deserved to be sued and harassed for four years, losing everything - my life savings, my music publishing business, my home, my community, my neighborhood, my friends, and my reputation - because I tried to do what I believed was the right thing to do (i.e. keep governmentally imposed sex offenders away from day care and vulnerable elderly widows and stand up for everyone's rights) here' a video for you to watch. (This means you too Victor... Marilyn? No, I don't suppose so...)

Now, please pay attention not only to the words of Bill Maher, but also to the words used in the discussion about his words. Everyone is bashing everyone - and it seems a bit worse than anything I ever said.... and keep in mind, I was trying to protect my family and save my neighborhood. Also, please take special note of the repeated use of the idiom "getting away with murder" - the exact specific phrase Nexus sued me for saying.

So do you still think I deserved to have my life ruined because I called poor D'Angelo "Poopsie"?
Should I have been judged the way I've been? Or alternatively, should Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachman sue Bill Maher? And should Bill Maher sue Sean Hannity and his two guests?

Why is Freedom of Speech a Constitutional Right for all American citizens - except for me? Hennepin County 4th District Court Judge Marilyn Brown Rosenbaum recently censored one of my articles - "No Blood on My Hands - Peter D. Freeman", ordering me to remove it from the Mille Lacs News, although there was no defamation in it. It was just an article to let you know what's going on with the lawsuits. Freeman said that simply by my writing about the lawsuit he himself instigated, he was embarrassed and therefore the article should be removed. What kind of person, let alone a judge would buy into that kind of crap? At this point, I will refrain from further comment.

Lots to think about... Lots to talk about... and, lots to write about...

*Minnesota Statute 462.357

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Peter Freeman Wins His Battle AGAINST Free Speech

On July 7, 2011 Hennepin County 4th District Court Judge Marilyn Brown Rosenbaum granted Nexus Board Member Peter D. Freeman's injunction to compel the removal of an article written by Hannabelle about the court cases against her - specifically, the January 22, 2010 article "No Blood On My Hands". The article contained absolutely no defamation. It was simply an explanation - or DEFENSE - written for people (like Judge Rosenbaum) who just didn't understand my position, my motivation, or my methods. Once again, as he stated in his testimony at my trial, Peter Freeman was embarrassed about what I said. He didn't exactly "claim" - but rather suggested that the possible reason he is having difficulty landing clients at Omicron Dynamics, (his consulting business) was due to Hannabelle exercising her (former) Right to Free Speech on the Internet as she reported about his lawsuits against her.

Rosenbaum's ruling raises some important issues. Should a district judge have the power to control a citizen's speech through censoring our reporting the truth and offering our Constitutionally protected opinions on the grounds that someone is embarrassed by the truth or by the expression of our opinions?

Think of the consequences! Let me give you an example: There has been quite a national hullabaloo recently about the verdict in the Casey Anthony case. Not since the O.J. Simpson verdict has there been such an outpouring of opinion over a trial. Yet, imagine if a Minnesota District Court Judge rules that no one is allowed to talk about it? Should we never mention it again? Just pretend it never happened? Or do we have the right to discuss our opinions about the case, the verdict, - whatever our views may be? Minnesota Court of Appeals Judge Connelly ruled in my case that Freedom of Speech extends to the Internet. Does that mean that we are free to express our opinions on a blog? Or can Judge Rosenbaum shut us all down if she doesn't like what we wrote (even if it is the truth)?

From the beginning of the Nexus/Onamia takeover of Bradbury Township in 2007, I have made some pretty bold statements and several predictions. Unfortunately, almost all of them have already come true. Now, I'd like to warn you about the outcome of Judge Rosenbaum's censorship. It might be just one innocent article on an unimportant person's blog - at first. But if someone doesn't do something to stop this, Freedom of Speech will soon be a wistful memory. I'm doing what I can to stand up for Free Speech. But I can't do it alone. We must all protect our rights. Or - alternatively, we shall have no rights.

Peter Freeman blames me for his lack of clientele. I could also blame him for my lack of a buyer. I've not been able to sell our farm in Onamia. I think it is due to that sex offender institution down on the corner. But can I say that? Will Nexus SLAPP me with another defamation lawsuit? Will Judge Rosenbaum order that I cannot express my opinion? Or will she say that Freeman has more rights than I do?

Personally, I believe that if I must tear down my article because of perceived potential damage to Freeman's client list, then - to be fair - Freeman must tear down his sex offender institution because of perceived potential damage to my buyers list. What do you think? Does anyone dare express their opinions anymore?

If you're not outraged, you're no paying attention.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

"Criminal Sexual Conduct Charge for Nexus Worker"

Reprinted from the Mille Lacs Messenger today. (I sure hope Nexus and their employee don't sue them for "defamation". I really hope they don't sue me again for sharing the information - as seems to have become habit.)

"Criminal sexual conduct charge for Nexus worker
Tuesday, 12 July 2011 10:13

John Michael Packard, 29, an employee of Mille Lacs Academy in Onamia, was charged with criminal sexual conduct in the fourth degree after a client at the facility said the two had inappropriate contact.

According to a criminal complaint filed in Mille Lacs District Court, a Mille Lacs County investigator was told by a student at the Academy that Packard had touched him inappropriately, asked him to expose himself, and allowed him to view inappropriate material on his computer.Packer admitted that the boy had touched him inappropriately and that he may have touched the boy inappropriately over his clothing, the complaint states. The maximum penalty for criminal sexual conduct in the fourth degree is 10 years in prison and/or a $20,000 fine.

Mille Lacs Academy Acts on Allegations of Inappropriate Staff Behavior
Tuesday, 12 July 2011 13:36

Mille Lacs Academy released this statement on Tuesday, July 12: "In response to recent allegations of inappropriate staff behavior with a youth in residence at the Academy, Mille Lacs Academy administration took immediate, appropriate action to investigate and report the incident to proper authorities, including state and local agencies and law enforcement. Swift action was taken by MLA administration to ensure the continued safety of all youth in the Academy’s care. Due to confidentiality constraints, the names of the parties involved and the details related to the investigation cannot be released."

Monday, May 30, 2011


How I wish that Nexus board member/co-plaintiff Peter D. Freeman - psychotherapist, would stop giving me so much to write about. Last December, Judge Rosenbaum denied his motion for an injunction to abolish Hannabelle's First Amendment Rights. Freeman claims that Hannabelle had "embarrassed" him, and he wanted the judge to make her stop... to Order her to stop writing on the Internet. Can you imagine abusing the court in this way? For a self-purported expert in conflict resolution to more or less run whining to teacher instead of dealing with his problem himself, well... I guess I'd be embarrassed too, if I were him.

Now he's crying about an article I wrote in the Mille Lacs News back in January 2010. "No Blood on My Hands" is an explanation of the analogy I used in the private, confidential email I sent to Freeman's superior back in 2007, asking her to help us by convincing Freeman that convicted sex offenders in an unlocked sex offender facility do not belong next to day care and elderly widows. Now, that might have been the end of it, but Freeman sued me - placing that private, confidential email into the public record. In my opinion, that was kind of stupid. What did he think would happen when someone Googled him? Duh. But that's just my Constitutionally protected opinion.

I felt I had to explain the analogy - where I told how Freeman, who isn't part of our community, was making decisions that "destroyed a village". I wanted there to be no misunderstandings about my analogy. I went through it quite thoroughly. And I stand by what I said. In my opinion, it was the perfect analogy. Certainly, the "village" was destroyed for yours truly. I don't think Onamia will ever be the same. A lot of people suffered because of Nexus. Being their scapegoat, it was worse for me. Freeman and D'Angelo and their Nexus corporation displayed their "cornerstone values" as they destroyed my life. Mission accomplished.

So Freeman is now seeking another injunction to force Hannabelle to remove "No Blood on My Hands", charging her once again with "defamation". I wouldn't be surprised if this article I'm writing here doesn't show up in his next attempted injunction. I suppose he could drag me back into court every time my fingers touch the keyboard.

What's troubling about this current injunction is that Freeman wants to blame me for his failure to draw clients for his new consulting business. According to his own sworn testimony:

Freeman: "I can only conjecture, because I can't prove it's happened, but someone considering me for a contract and Googling my name and considering other people at the same time, seeing "bad professional judgment", "bad professional behavior", they might go, well, we don't know if this is true; but it's also, if it was me, quite frankly, I would likely go, maybe we should take a pass because I would feel too embarrassed to go back to this Peter Freeman and say, you know, we saw this on the web, can you explain it to us?" (Freeman testimony from the transcript in the Freeman and D'Angelo vs. Hannabelle trial. Thank you Victor.)


It is my opinion that Freeman keeps making mountains out of molehills for himself. If he hadn't sued me, this pissing contest would have been over three years ago with the slaying of the first 200 year old pine tree on the ill-fated building site. I wouldn't have published the private, confidential email I sent. I wouldn't have felt the need to defend my analogy in an article about the Freeman/D'Angelo lawsuit. And I wouldn't be writing this now.

My mission was only to save my neighborhood from Nexus' sex offenders and from the malfeasant local government that was circumventing laws to make it seem "legal" to put a juvenile sex offender treatment center in an R1 residential area. (Mission Failed.) It was never about Peter Freeman or his business or his career or anything about him personally. I have no vendetta against him. Look - I didn't lodge a formal complaint about him; I asked someone with influence to help convince him he was making a mistake - a mistake that could very well embarrass him in the future. I didn't harass him with lawsuits; I wrote about the lawsuits he harassed me with. I don't know - and don't care - how good or bad he is as a psychotherapist. To all of you potential Freeman clients - hey, go ahead and give him a try. Don't let anything I said about his role in the Mille Lacs Academy relocation stop you. Who knows - maybe in other circumstances Freeman is the best damn psychotherapist in the world. But I stand by my opinion that in this particular situation of putting sex offenders next to day care, he exercised poor judgment. And in suing me, he continues to do so. He extends his spot in my limelight each time he abuses the Justice System to bully me into silence. Why does he keep repeating the same strategy? I don't know.

I believe with all of my heart that we still have the Right to Freedom of Speech, even if it means telling ugly things that people have done to us. Even if it embarrasses them. As long as it is the Truth. Our opinions are still Constitutionally protected, at least for now. We'll see if they still are after Judge Rosenbaum makes her decision at the June 22 injunction hearing.

If I were you, Dear Readers, I'd keep my fingers crossed for Hannabelle on this one. If I lose my Freedom of Speech, you will also lose yours. And Peter, this includes you; You will also lose yours.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A Fool for a Lawyer


"I'm following your case. You had a lawyer, but now you are pro se. May I ask why?"

Now, for all of you who have yet to be sued, let me start with a few legal definitions.

Pro se legal representation means advocating on one's own behalf before a court, rather than being represented by a lawyer. [Wikipedia]

Pro bono legal representation is a fantastical, nonsensical myth, often perpetuated in fictional stories popular in movies and television that lawyers will gladly represent you for free if you don't have enough money to buy them a new house . [Hannabelle]

Blood-sucking Lawyer is self-evident and needs no explanation.

We all know the old proverb “He who is his own lawyer has a fool for a client”. In my case, it's more like "She who represents herself has a fool for a lawyer." It was not my choice to go "pro se". After four years of the two frivolous lawsuits SLAPPed on me by Nexus, Jim D'Angelo (aka "Poopsie") and Peter D. Freeman (self-proclaimed specialist in "scape-goating"), I simply ran out of money. The lawsuits cost me my life savings and socked me into over $20,000 in debt.

My financial demise was no accident on Nexus' part. They counted on it. In fact, it's why they sued me in the first place. It's call a SLAPP (Strategic lawsuit against public participation.)

Of course, the lawsuits have cost Nexus a whole lot of (taxpayer) dollars too. Once again - where is the outrage? This company is using YOUR taxes to fund lawsuits against a private citizen, lining the pockets of their own blood-sucking lawyer instead of using the money to help kids.... What would all those county boards think if they knew?

There are only a few things in life that I'm good at, and being a lawyer isn't one of them. So yes, acting pro se, I have a fool for a lawyer. It's a matter of opinion whether or not my lawyer has a fool for a client. At least the jury is still out on that....

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Onamia Zoning Guy BUSTED!

Yep. That's right, folks.

It's Mickey Carter, the Onamia Zoning Administer who intentionally mis-zoned the 38.81 acres from R1 to R2 in order to circumvent Minnesota State Law 462.357 which states that a juvenile sex offender treatment center (such as the Mille Lacs Academy) SHALL NOT be permitted in R1 zoned areas (such as the Bradbury R1 zoned neighborhood.) He knew what he was doing was wrong. He did it anyway.

Mickey LEROY Carter. When someone gets caught committing a serious crime, suddenly that middle name becomes prominent... When Mille Lacs Academy Executive Administrator Paul Smith got convicted for embezzlement, theft, lying to authorities, and fraud, he suddenly became Paul LYNN Smith. And the crimes these men have committed (allegedly in Carter's case as he has yet to be tried and convicted) are indeed serious.

Back in 2007, I wrote a letter of complaint about the Zoning Guy and submitted it to the Onamia City Council - who of course did NOTHING. Because you see, Mickey Carter is part of their group. He's one of them. One of their Good Ol' Boys Network. A network with at least one alleged pedophile who worked hard on improper (some would say "illegal") zoning through months of local property owners' opposition, to ensure that the Nexus sex offenders got a state-of-the-art unlocked facility just a four minute stroll to the day care center.

Kind of makes a guy wonder about Mickey's true motivation...

And this on the heels of Mayor Larry Milton's predatory sex offender son Sheldon MYRON Milton getting arrested for failing to register in Onamia as a sex offender. Mille Lacs Messenger: Predatory Offender Fails to Register (March 8, 2011)

It's starting to appear that in Onamia, there are more sex offenders outside of the sex offender institution than in... Boy was I naive! I accused the city council of conflict of interest because Councilman Bill Hill owned the grocery and gas... I mean, who'da thunk it?! These new revelations put a whole new spin on the conflict of interest issue... I always thought it was strange that Larry Milton was so proud to have the Mille Lacs Academy sex offender facility as his legacy. What a strange legacy. Now it's all starting to make a little more sense. They named their driveway after him, you know. Perhaps they should have named it after his son Sheldon... And Mickey Carter? I remember asking him for his zoning administrator credentials at a public hearing. He admitted "I don't have any - but they [the city council] seem to like what I do." Ha! I bet they do.

Mickey LEROY Carter used to own the Book Nook in town where he sold used books and rented out videos - including pornographic videos. It seems he was a "dealer" who provided the town with smut. More recently, he claims to be a "Godly" man and is/was a prominent member of the Onamia United Methodist Church. "The Mission of the Onamia Church is to live out Christ's example in the community and the world, serving people of all backgrounds, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, or disabilities, thereby opening its doors to all people." I gotta ask: Is pedophilia a sexual orientation? Is Mickey Carter living out Christ's example? Anyway, I'm shocked. I thought all of the Onamia pedophiles were over at Crosier...

Carter did more than peddle porn though. Before he retired, he was a teacher at the elementary school in town. I don't even want to think about that... But perhaps we should.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Sex Offenders, Lies, and Videotape

For the past four years, I've talked a lot about Rights and how the Onamia City Council* took ours away when they joined forces with the Nexus Corporation to put sex offenders next to day care. Watching as the local government changed and amended ordinances, ignored state statutes like MN 462.357, we realized that we DON'T have Rights. At least, not if our rights get in the way... And of course, ours did. Our "Rights" became an inconvenience to the Nexus Agenda, so the government simply removed them.

Another topic I often bring up is the fact that Nexus CEO Jim D'Angelo committed perjury. I called him a liar many times - having written documentation and lots of witnesses to prove it. But I couldn't prove that he lied on a sworn affidavit by swearing that he didn't say he sued me because he thought I'd go away. I had no documentation other than my own journal. BUT, both D'Angelo and I know he said it. We both know he lied under oath about it. Unfortunately, the judge was clueless and ruled against my motion to dismiss under the MN Anti-SLAPP law. Once again, D'Angelo got away with murder.

I hope you enjoy today's video.

*In 2007, the Onamia City Council = Larry Milton, Mayor of Onamia and Councilmen Bob Mickus, Bill Hill, Jerome Kryzer, and Mark Loch; Also involved - Zoning Guy Mickey Carter; Clerk Kathleen McCullum; and of course City Lawyer Bob Ruppe.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

It's Only Words - Seven of Them

WARNING: The following will no doubt be offensive to some of you. So if you can't handle it, don't read it. I mean... it's only words. But some people get pretty freaked out by words.

It's Only Words

In the late 1960s and early 70s there was a lot of controversy over words, especially "dirty" or "inappropriate" words broadcast on television. In 1972, American comedian George Carlin first listed in his monologue "Seven Words You Can Never Say on Television", following the arrest of Lenny Bruce for using the words in his act.

List of seven words George Carlin said you can never say on television:
In 2007 Nexus CEO Jim D'Angelo and Peter D. Freeman sued Hannabelle for words she said in her opinion blog "The Bradbury Buzzz". The lawsuit charged that Hannabelle's words were "scurilous" [scur-ri-lous. adj. 1. Given to the use of vulgar, coarse, or abusive language; foul-mouthed.] and "defamatory" [de-fam-a-to-ry. adj. 1. (Law) injurious to someone's name or reputation].

Although both Freeman and D'Angelo admitted at trial that their names and reputations had NOT been injured, they persecuted Hannabelle in a lengthy court battle. D'Angelo admitted that several of the words he charged as defamatory were indeed NOT defamatory. Eventually both Plaintiffs dropped the lawsuit in December 2010, in order to avoid a jury trial and because they could not prove any damages. But they continued seeking an injunction to remove the blogger's Freedom of Speech. Judge Marilyn Rosenbaum refused to impose an injunction on Hannabelle. Freeman and D'Angelo wasted a whole lot of money, walking away with absolutely nothing.

List of seven words Jim D'Angelo said you can never say in a blog:
  • Egocentric
  • Arrogant
  • Snake
  • Narcissistic
  • Cold-blooded
  • Liar
  • Heartless (missing a heart)
Yes, these are some of the actual words in his lawsuit against me. Of course, to be fair, I DID use them while offering my opinion of him personally as he bullied his sex offender institution into my unwilling neighborhood. What can I say? D'Angelo was the aggressor. He selected MY home territory to invade with his sex offenders. He bamboozled the people in MY home town with false promises of jobs and money. He did not have to be so brutal when I opposed him. He chose to be. I honestly believe that he liked it! I based my opinion that he's a sadist on my personal experiences in dealing with him. I had evidence that he is a liar. He even lied on a sworn affidavit, committing perjury.
Hannabelle: Why are you suing me?
D'Angelo (laughing): We thought you'd go away!
D'Angelo: Keep sending me emails. I enjoy them.
Hannabelle: But you never write back.
D'Angelo: I don't want to give you the satisfaction.
D'Angelo : We WILL be neighbors!
Nothing I said or did could stop D'Angelo. My life was being ruined. What could I do? I used WORDS in self-defense. But I didn't defame anyone.

Ironically, the fact that Poopsie sued me kind of supports what I said about him, don't you think? Wouldn't it have been more professional to address my concerns and treat me like a human being rather than act like he did: ignoring me [the Silent Treatment is one of the most cruel forms of social punishment], refusing to answer my emails [didn't want to give me satisfaction?], belittling me in public, [like when he announced at the Onamia City Hall that he thought I was responsible for my mother's perforated ulcer], calling on his employees and MLA supporters to harass me [using the company intranet to rally the troops], etc. Wouldn't one expect a little more compassion from the CEO of the NEXUS corporation - the one who boasts of "cornerstone values"? The company that's suppose to help poor troubled boys? After all, the fight was over after the first bulldozer tore down the first 200 year old pine tree. The lawsuits were merely punishment. I was a scapegoat, an example for the rest of the town...

Also ironic is that when I began using words to fight for my cause, I researched "defamation" to make sure that I didn't cross any line. I learned that if you tell the truth and offer your opinion, you're safe from being charged. I was careful. Nothing I said was, according to law, defamation. They SUED me ANYWAY- probably using Minnesota and Illinois tax dollars. [In the settlement proposal, Nexus attorney Victor Lund said that Nexus, which subsists on tax dollars would pay for Freeman and D'Angelo...]

The nine words of Lenny Bruce and the seven words of George Carlin ended up in the Supreme Court. Nearly four decades later, the words of Hannabelle ended up in Hennepin County Fourth District Court. Although by denying Freeman and D'Angelo's injunction Hannabelle won the case, Judge Marilyn Rosenbaum ruled that her words were defamatory. The Law says they aren't. The judge says they are. What's a girl to do? Laws have become meaningless in Minnesota. Just ask Johnny Northside who was found guilty of defamation even though he told the truth.

I told the Truth. If I was a rich CEO with political connections, maybe Rosenbaum would have believed me... I wonder if she even read the documents. Freeman and D'Angelo offered no evidence. Not a shred of evidence. At least I won, but while doing so, I lost everything - even my reputation. Go figure.

Freedom of Speech: 7 Dirty Words - Check out Wikipedia.

The FCC regulations regarding "fleeting" use of expletives were ruled unconstitutionally vague by a three-judge panel of the U.S. 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals in New York on July 13, 2010, as they violated the First Amendment due to their possible chilling effects on free speech.

It's Only Words

It's only words and words are all I have (to take your heart away.)

Saturday, April 9, 2011

One Step Forward, Five Decades Back

In our last episode [see MY Life on the D (defamation) List] we watched Fox News commentators display their outrage at somebody's use of words. WORDS. According to these so-called critics and social brain-washers, Kathy Griffin's WORDS were "inappropriate". In the clips they used, the "inappropriate" WORDS were bleeped. We aren't even allowed to hear the "inappropriate" WORDS. Fox News let us know that PEOPLE who use "inappropriate" WORDS are not to be tolerated in our society, but are to be scorned. If we aren't allowed to hear the "inappropriate" WORDS, how are we to learn which WORDS are "inappropriate"? Methinks, to be safe, one should perhaps keep thy mouth shut at all times. Remember: you still have the Right to Remain Silent. No one mentions Freedom of Speech or the 1st Amendment, do they? Not at Fox News.

The problem: Kathy Griffin didn't show Jesus the proper respect. She also uses "foul language". They don't think she's "funny". They are aghast at the WORDS.

When I asked convicted felon former Mille Lacs Academy Executive Director Paul Lynn Smith why the Nexus CEO was suing me, he answered with Fox News inflection: "You didn't show Mr. D'Angelo proper respect." Oh my... Who does MR. D'Angelo think he is? Jesus Christ? You can SUE someone for not showing "proper respect"? What IS "proper respect"?

How about declaring that you're building an unlocked correctional facility for 94 convicted sex offenders where tax paying property owners do NOT want it. Is THAT showing "proper respect"? How about disregarding the rights of long-term residents so that YOU can make a ton of money? Is THAT showing "proper respect"? Is "proper respect" a Constitutional Right? Let's look at this... SHOULD Jesus have SUED Kathy Griffin for defamation??? SHOULD Jim D'Angelo have SUED Hannabelle for defamation?

One thing the Fox News flock of angry chickens got right - using "inappropriate" WORDS and saying "outrageous" things DOES capture attention. And now you know the method to Hannabelle's madness. During the battle to save the Bradbury neighborhood, she wanted and NEEDED people's attention. Hannabelle's role was to stir the pot, throw a few dead mice into the recipe. She acted as "bad cop". My mission was to get people to THINK. To bring our cause to the forefront. The trouble was - there were no "good cops" in my neighborhood. Know why? Because my neighbors were all afraid of offending people! I don't understand this... THEY weren't the ones using "inappropriate" WORDS. Yet, although they adamantly opposed the location of the Mille Lacs Academy as much as I did, they were too stifled by their fears of social repercussions to risk voicing their opinions. Without the "good cops", there were no stars for anyone to hitch their wagons to. There was only Hannabelle and her WORDS. Scary, naughty, offensive WORDS. Tsk. Tsk.

Some people are champions of Freedom. They're willing to risk a lot - even themselves - for the principles our country was founded on - things like Free Speech, Freedom of the Press, Life, Liberty, the Pursuit of Happiness, Liberty, and Justice for ALL... Other people? Uh... Not so much. They don't want to offend anyone. Which side do I wish to align myself? The Fox News WORD Police???? Well, obviously I have already chosen the side which defends freedom for individuals and their rights. (In case you didn't get that, I'm NOT a member of the Fox News chicken coop.) Nor do I support the so-called "for the good of the community" argument promoted by self-serving propagandists like the Nexus/Onamia Coalition that take those rights away from individuals. Call me crazy, but I never approved of Communism.

I am not afraid to stand up for what I believe in. And although I've always known the power of WORDS, I've never been afraid of WORDS. Now, the ACTIONS behind the WORDS... That's something else. And we should all be afraid - be very afraid - when someone like Jim D'Angelo targets YOU - because not only might he claim the right to dictate YOUR destiny, he has proven that he will take drastic measures to ruin YOUR Life, take away YOUR liberty, and destroy YOUR happiness - if you don't show him "proper respect". I know. He sued me because my WORDS offended him. He sued me because I called him "Poopsie".

(Sorry the video is a bit bigger than the confines of this blog space - but then Lenny Bruce was a bit bigger than the confines of his space in time - as well as our Fox News times...)

Friday, April 8, 2011

MY Life on the D (defamation) List

Dear Readers,

In 2007, as you know, Nexus CEO Jim D'Angelo and Nexus board member Peter D. Freeman sued me for defamation. Yes, it is true I called D'Angelo "Poopsie", said he was arrogant and egotistical, and I made fun of him a lot. Yes, it is true that I contacted Peter D. Freeman's supervisor in the Department of Social Work at St. Thomas University to ask her to help convince Freeman to stop the Nexus/Onamia coalition from building a sex offender facility in our residential neighborhood. The question is - should I have been put through the legal ringer for being a whistle-blower? Should I have been SUED for standing up for citizens' rights? For the last four years, these corporate crybabies have persecuted me - using the Minnesota "Justice" System. Nexus Corporation also sued me after I reported that a child was killed at one of their institutions - when in fact, a child DID die at the hands of a Nexus employee. I told the Truth.

Can you be sued for defamation if you told the Truth? Can you be sued for expressing your personal opinion? Can you be sued for offending someone? Can you be sued simply for embarrassing someone? Can you be sued for defamation even if you did not defame anyone?

Yes. If you live in Minnesota you can. Just ask Hannabelle and fellow blogger Johnny Northside.

Stay tuned as the Bradbury Buzzz explores these "defamation" cases, and examines the significance of Freeman/D'Angelo vs. Hannabelle and Nexus vs. Hannabelle. Your Freedom of Speech is in jeopardy. Do you really want to live in fear of being sued for anything you might say?

Thursday, March 10, 2011

On Wisconsin, On Wisconsin

Written on March 10, 2011

I hope you are following the news about what has happened in the state of Wisconsin. It is eerily similar to what took place in Onamia, Minnesota four years ago when city attorney Bob Ruppe and the Onamia City Council manipulated the laws which should have kept Jim D'Angelo and the Nexus Corporation from building an unlocked juvenile sex offender facility in my residential neighborhood. Government take-overs aren't pretty. In both cases, the government had its own agenda. In both cases, nothing would stop them from achieving their goal; not even the law.

Yesterday in Wisconsin, a group of Republican senators called an impromptu meeting to quickly pass a controversial bill (concerning Unions and the right to collective bargaining), despite the lack of a quorum and in clear violation of the Wisconsin Open Meetings Law. Some of you might remember when the Onamia City Council used similar tactics in the Nexus controversy. You might have heard that a group of Wisconsin Democrats fled the state as a matter of principle - in order to thwart the passing of this bill by refusing to form the required quorum. In Onamia we had Councilman Jerome Kryzer and Mickey Carter the Zoning Guy fleeing the state because they prefer a warmer climate and don't actually live in Onamia for months during the winter. Add to the scanty attendance record of then councilman, now mayor Bob Mickus and oh what the hell - Quorum Schmorum - let's pass the stuff anyway... (that seemed to be their plan until they were challenged by citizens. (see my videos) Had we not been there to stop them??? In Onamia, they postponed the vote until they had a quorum. In Wisconsin, they bulldozed ahead without one.)

Open Meeting Law violations were prevalent in both Onamia, Minnesota as well as in Wisconsin. The Cheeseheads voted their Aye Aye Aye Ayes amidst shouts of "This is illegal!!!!" In Onamia, we not only told the city council it was illegal, we provided copies of laws, including MN. Statute 462.357 which states that juvenile sex offender treatment centers shall not be permitted in a R1 zoned residential area. However, nothing we said, nothing we did made a difference. Because? Because they did what they wanted! The Onamia City Council: Bob Mickus, Bill Hill Jr., Mark Loch, Jerome Kryzer, and led by Mayor Larry Milton did whatever it took to pass whatever it took to assure that Nexus would succeed in forcing convicted sex offenders next to day care and little old ladies. There was no discussion. All votes were unanimous.

But there are differences between the Wisconsin government takeover and the Onamia government takeover. The good people in Wisconsin had the courage, the wisdom and the GUMPTION to protest the outrageous acts of a corrupt government run amuck as it threw Democracy out the window. Folks recognized safety in numbers; the power of the people. For the most part, the good people in Onamia remained silently complacent, or complacently silent as they stood on the sidelines watching their corrupt government represent and support a rich corporation while selling the Rights of citizens, including themselves. And yes, the council threw Democracy out the window.

I think it's safe to say that no one received quite as much punishment as I did, for my part of the protest. For my dedicated efforts to inform and persuade the Onamia government that the location of the sex offender institution was a bad choice, I was SLAPPed with not one but TWO lawsuits - which, of course, pretty much destroyed me. In Freeman/D'Angelo, Nexus CEO Jim D'Angelo sued me for embarrassment because I called him "Poopsie" and said he was arrogant, egotistical etc. Nexus board member Peter Freeman sued me, claiming I also embarrassed him. In the second lawsuit, Nexus sued me because I used the idiom "getting away with murder." But, of course, the real reason to sue me was to pressure me to stop writing the Bradbury Buzzz, (Didn't work...) and use me as an example of what happens to people who just say no to Nexus...

What happened to me personally will probably not take place in Wisconsin. It's easy to launch two lawsuits against one citizen activist. Not so easy to sue thousands and thousands of citizen activists standing up against a government gone awry. Only a handful of citizens had the courage to oppose the Onamia city council's handling of their Nexus project - and when I was sued, everyone "went away". Had the people united against bad government back then, things might be different today. The city council doesn't have the money for lawsuits. Even Nexus could not have sued us all. Unfortunately, most citizens saw only the issue at hand and not the principles at stake.

Activist Michael Moore showed up at a Wisconsin Rally to support the working people protesting the stripping of the unions. Last night, on national television, he made a comment that sparked my attention. In referring to the Wisconsin Republican legislators, Mr. Moore said, "They're getting away with murder!" Now, if he calls Governor Walker "Poopsie", Michael Moore just might be in trouble.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Another Nexus "Cornerstone Values" Violation

Since my speech has been significantly "chilled" by two lawsuits, I'll let someone else do the talking today...

City of Onamia - City said Nexus violated agreement

Written by Brett Larson
Tuesday, 18 January 2011 10:27

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Trial Without Jury

Your Honor,
I plead NOT GUILTY by reason of temporary insanity.
For a minute there, I was crazy enough to believe
we still had Freedom of Speech!

Dear Readers,

Just to keep you up to date - the "Injunction Hearing" took place on December 29, 2010, Judge Marilyn Rosenbaum presiding. Plaintiffs James D'Angelo and Peter Freeman, having dropped their first harassment lawsuit against me were seeking a judgment (injunction) to control my speech - both past and future. What can I leave on my blog and what must I remove? What can I say in the future without getting in trouble? D'Angelo and Freeman have demanded that I never be able to say anything about them or the Nexus relocation again.

The result? Well... The judge is still out. (Normally the phrase is: the jury is still out... but I was deprived of my trial by jury). It's now more of the Hurry-Up-And-Wait that I've come to expect after three years in the legal system as the courts try to decide whether or not there should still be Free Speech in this country and if a citizen can or cannot use WORDS (oh my! Those pesky little dangerous weapons- like "Poopsie"!) to defend herself when attacked by a 40 million dollar corporation hell-bent on forcing her to live next to their sex offenders.

So while D'Angelo and Freeman fight to rule over the Constitution by removing my right to free speech, I continue to fight for what I've been fighting for since the beginning of the Nexus/Onamia city council take-over: the privilege of being left alone.

But Who Is Sorry Now
You Really Hurt,
You Used To Take And Deceive Me
Now Who Is Sorry Now
You Got A Way Of Making MeFeel So Sorry
I Found Out Right Away
Don't You Come Walkin'-Beggin'
I Ain't Lovin' You
Don't You Get In My Way
('Cause There's A Time WhenYou're Right)
(And You Know You MustFight)
Who's Laughing Baby,
Don't You Know
(And There's The Choice That We Make)
(And This Choice You Will Take)
Who's Laughin' Baby
So Just Leave Me Alone
Leave Me Alone
(Leave Me Alone)
(Leave Me Alone)
Leave Me Alone
(Leave Me Alone)
(Leave Me Alone)
(Leave Me Alone)
Leave Me Alone-Stop It!
Just Stop Doggin' Me Around
(Just Stop Doggin' Me)
lyrics by M. Jackson