More trouble for (and caused by) Nexus...
From the Mille Lacs Messenger:
Norway Pine lawsuit in Onamia
I can't get enough of these "I told you so" moments, and Nexus keeps providing me with plenty to gab about. Back in 2007, when the OACRG (Onamia Area Citizens for Responsible Growth) was battling the Onamia City Council as they forced the Nexus juvenile sex offender institution into our unwillingly ANNEXED residential neighborhood (MN Stat. 462.357, AND spot zoning, etc.) we ... expressed concerns about several issues.
One of our concerns was about the environmental impact of building the Mille Lacs Academy in the dictated location. We debated at length about the Rum River, Lake Onamia, wetlands and woodlands.... including technical stuff... like alluvial soil... We even wrote and started to distribute a petition for an environmental impact study - but gave up after we found out that it would be the city council who would decide (and they already had decided that such studies such as environmental impact and traffic weren't necessary.... since they also already decided to represent the interests of the corporation and the rest of the world be damned.) But after we were totally ignored by the Onamia City Council (at the time - Mayor Larry Milton, and Councilmen Bob Mickus, Bill Hill, Jerome Kryzer, and Mark Loch), once again Nexus proved us right. Who can forget that big oil spill that cost Nexus some $33,000 of your tax dollars for Minnesota Polution Control Agency fines for violations? [See: Wetland impacts, oil spill at Nexus site and Stormwater violations from Onamia Nexus project reported by the Mille Lacs Messenger].
Of course, the harm to our environment was just one of our concerns. If you recall, we were bothered by several things; for instance - the lack of security and the large number of escaping sex offenders. Well, have you read the sheriff's reports lately? Yep. I told you so. We were very concerned about taxes going up as our property values plummeted (Yep. I told you so.) We were concerned about not being able to sell our homes should we wish to leave a community which robbed us of our constitutional rights - such as the right to vote and/or run for office... which we were denied in the city of Onamia. (Yep. I told you so. My home has been on the market for over three years. Two others that I know of haven't sold either.) The list of Nexus problems goes on and on, folks, including the havoc they have reeked upon my family by suing me twice. Check out the Mille Lacs News for information and links.
Sooooo..... you say..... Just another bunch of tree-huggers whining about "Progress". Well, my friends, in order to be "tree-huggers" one needs trees to hug. And according to reports, Nexus chopped down a bunch of trees belonging to Citizen Bill Konze that it had absolutely no rights to whatsoever. But why doesn't this surprise me? Nexus is what Nexus is... It does whatever it wants - to benefit its own exclusive higher-ups. And nobody dare say no. Or else!
To quote Bill Konze quoting someone else as he summed up the futility of our situation in 2007.... "The Golden Rule: He who has the gold, rules." Nexus certainly has plenty of "gold". Taxpayer gold... Investment gold. Personally, I think they should use all that money to do good things - like help poor troubled boys [Criminal sexual conduct charge for Nexus worker ], perhaps better screening of potential employees?, pay their GOOD workers a decent wage, contribute to the community they have taken over, compensate people they wrong, as well as pay up for their mistakes - instead of using it to pay lawyers to sue outspoken people like me, circumventation.... manipulation... to get out of paying what they owe. Nexus has proven itself to be a big, bad wolf. And who's afraid of the Big Bad Wolf? Why - everyone is.
Well, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Good Neighbor Bill wins his lawsuit and gets a little of that gold to make up for at least some of the damages caused by the Nexus Corporation*. C'mon.... Certainly Nexus can't win ALL the time. Of course, money can't fix all ailments. It can't cure all the hurt. After the Mille Lacs County tax abatement meeting on December 4, 2007, Nexus CEO Jim D'Angelo scorned Konze with a snide "Game over. You lost." Nice, huh? What a sensitive guy... Well, perhaps the "game" isn't over yet.
Good luck, Bill.
*According to the article in the Mille Lacs Messenger, Konze is suing the City of Onamia for damages caused by Nexus while constructing the juvenile sex offender facility. As I understand it, Konze is not suing the Nexus Corporation itself. Which is probably wise.... since Nexus' lawyers are still busy with me....
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