Mickey Leroy Carter, who was the Onamia Zoning Administrator that conspired with the Onamia City Council in 2007 to circumvent city ordinances and Minnesota State Law (MN Stat. 462.357) for the purpose of erecting the Mille Lacs Academy 5-building business complex in a R1 Residential neighborhood has been awarded a felony conviction for the possession of child pornography.
According to Brett Larson's article published in the Mille Lacs Messenger, the original sentence of 18 months in state prison has been whittled down to a mere 60 days in jail with 5 years of supervised probation.
"As part of his sentence, Carter is also required to abstain from alcohol and controlled substances, keep the court informed of his current address, and register as a predatory offender. He is not allowed to have unsupervised contact with minors, unless preapproved, or to use the Internet without approval. He cannot possess firearms or dangerous weapons or pornographic materials and must supply a DNA sample and undergo random testing."
Although the Mille Lacs Messenger article reports how the police caught this predatory sex offender and briefly outlines the case against Mr. Carter, a former elementary school teacher, it does not mention Carter's role as city zoning administrator in the implementation of spot-zoning 96 convicted juvenile sex offenders in an unlocked facility built just a four minute stroll from small children at a daycare center.
"They seem to like what I do," said Carter in 2007, referring to the Onamia City Council, when citizens questioned him about his qualifications as zoning administrator. He admitted he had no qualifications or training, but was still given authority to mis-classify the sex offender facility as R2 Residential (instead of commercial or institutional) as well as spot zone the building site as R2 - all with the blessing of Onamia City Council members Mayor Larry Milton, Bob Mickus, Bill Hill, Jerome Kryzer, and Mark Loch. Milton, now deceased, was himself father to Sheldon Myron Milton, also a registered predatory sex offender. (See Predatory offender fails to register, Mille Lacs Messenger, March 8, 2011.)
"They seem to like what I do," said Carter in 2007, referring to the Onamia City Council, when citizens questioned him about his qualifications as zoning administrator. He admitted he had no qualifications or training, but was still given authority to mis-classify the sex offender facility as R2 Residential (instead of commercial or institutional) as well as spot zone the building site as R2 - all with the blessing of Onamia City Council members Mayor Larry Milton, Bob Mickus, Bill Hill, Jerome Kryzer, and Mark Loch. Milton, now deceased, was himself father to Sheldon Myron Milton, also a registered predatory sex offender. (See Predatory offender fails to register, Mille Lacs Messenger, March 8, 2011.)
The Onamia City Council may well have liked what Mickey Carter "did", as certainly did the Nexus Corporation - owner of the Mille Lacs Academy juvenile sex offender facility. They accomplished their goal, overcoming the laws forbidding their dream, as well as squashing the resistance of local citizens whose rights were abolished while the local government served the corporation instead of protecting its citizens. Yes, the Onamia/Nexus coalition got pretty much everything they wanted. Still, Minnesota Statute 462.357 succinctly states that:
"... a residential facility whose primary purpose is to treat juveniles who have violated criminal statutes relating to sex offenses or have been adjudicated delinquent on the basis of conduct in violation of criminal statutes relating to sex offenses shall not be considered a permitted use [in an area zoned residential]."
The Internet can be a wonderful tool... Perhaps things might have been different in Bradbury Township if the Onamia Zoning Administer had elected to use his computer (or his allegedly stolen school computer) to perform his job as a public servant- like researching Minnesota zoning laws for the good of the community .... rather than .... satisfying his personal desires.
Naw. Nothing can stop the inevitable.
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