Saturday, October 4, 2008

Sondra Erickson Honors HERSELF

Minnesota Representative Sondra Erickson - a ProNexus Republican
I almost couldn't believe my eyes when I saw Erickson campaign signs in yards between Onamia and St. Cloud while taking my mom to her oncologist appointment the other day. Well, I guess I could believe it, I just didn't want to. Are people seriously going to vote for Sondra Erickson??? Really??? Are people really that ... dumb? But then, I also spotted McCain/Palin signs, and Michelle Bachman signs so I guess the answer is yes, some people certainly are that dumb.
Speaking of "Vampira", did you see that Bachman made Keith Olberman's Worst Person in the World list on "Countdown" the other night? Yep. Number 1 - for being a racist. She blamed the current national financial crises on black people (and other minorities). I guess there are a lot of people in Minnesota who still think racism is acceptable, even in our elected officials. Somehow that doesn't make me proud to be an American.
Anyway, here is a video of Sondra Erickson allegedly "honoring" somebody who achieved ... something. It is pretty unclear who or what this video is supposed to be about - but it is pretty clear that it turned out to be all about Sondra... just as it usually does... All about Sondra. Its the Sondra Show. To be fair (and I always try), maybe you had to be there. But listen to how she honors HERSELF! She doesn't talk about HIS accomplishments. Her focus is on herself. In the 4 minute, 40 second video, Sondra saved only the last forty seconds for poor Steve. Kind of creepy. Anyway, whatever the guy is there to be honored for, he seems gracious as he accepts his award - a free info packet left over from the centennial (150 year "centennial"? Did I hear her correctly? What did Sondra teach?). Enjoy your packet, Steve.
Wait! Wasn't that the same packet she gave the other guy? How Republican of her... Isn't that what they do? Give big tax breaks to the rich corporations (such as NEXUS!). The little people - like teachers - receive tokens, like small, unsubstantial tax rebates which really don't help, or left-over packets from 150 year "centennials" - junk which people don't want, can't use, and no doubt is paid for by themselves through taxpayer dollars used to print the materials in the first place. Of course, personally I would have loved to receive one of those packets. Sondra gave ME something "special" instead. She gave me 94 sex offenders.
Sondra Erickson - putting sex offenders next to day cares, elderly widows, vulnerable adults, and children.
Vote for her and she can mess up your life, too (and probably will). Elect her, and watch your rights disappear. Oh Hannabelle! How can you say such things? Because people like Sondra are grandiose, narrow-minded, and self-centered. Thinking only of themselves, only of how they can get ahead in the political "game"... And true to her republican party, Sondra doesn't pay attention, doesn't do the research, and doesn't consider the consequences of her decisions. She's also pretty smooth at denying any culpability. Practice, I suppose. She said she wasn't "responsible for the location". Bottom line: she didn't care about my family after she dropped Nexus into our laps. She doesn't care about your family either.
Listen how she uses Steve to sing her own praises.

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