Monday, August 4, 2008

County Board Games

Pro/Con: Do the tall ships leave Duluth in historically troubled waters?
Duluth News TribunePublished Sunday, August 03, 2008
"...the Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe Indians is experiencing hostility from the Mille Lacs County Board, which has adopted an official policy that the reservation no longer exists, despite all of the legal precedence and federal government’s position upholding reservation existence and tribal sovereignty."
The Mille Lacs County Board: Phil Peterson, Frank Courteau, Jack Edmonds, Dave Tellinghuisen, and Roger Tellinghuisen (and yes, Virginia, there is NEPOTISM in Mille Lacs County. The Tellinghuisens are brothers.)
Do you see? Do you see??? It is so obvious to people OUTSIDE of the county HOW BAD the Mille Lacs County Commissioners really are. When are the citizens in Mille Lacs County going to WISE UP and vote these jokers out?! People - Do your homework. Pu-leeez. You've got the Internet. Look up how this group of commissioners has particularly and majorly SCREWED UP with a PATTERN OF POOR DECISIONS. Check out for yourselves how their BAD JUDGMENT has affected YOU. (Hint: higher taxes for instance...) ITS AN ELECTION YEAR! Get EDUCATED.
Do it for yourself. (Hannabelle's busy.)

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