Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Cops and Rubbers

Sorry Officer Bob. We need new cops in Onamia. You guys don't seem to be cutting it.
Or so we hear.
Over and over...
What do we hear? The "town kids" are more trouble than the Mille Lacs Academy convicted sex offenders. (Who are pretty much confined to that institution, by the way - where they are under "constant" supervision. Even so, look at the statistics for assaults, runaways, etc.) But the town kids are another story. Why can't the Onamia police handle the town kids? Why, in a city with a population of approximately 900 is there so much crime? According to statistics provided by the city - to compare vast numbers of local crime to the minimalized, down-played crimes committed by the MLA PTBs, our city of Onamia has a much higher crime rate than New York City! Wow!
One big promoter of the MLA propaganda is Mayor Larry Milton. I've heard him talk about the crime problems in Onamia. Problems with the locals. Town kids.... Well, as mayor, isn't it up to him to deal with the problem? If our cops are that inept, that we have a higher crime percentage than New York City, isn't it up to Mayor Bully Milton to get some cops who can do the job?
Now, I'm not personally picking on Officer Bob. I'm not making personal attacks. Larry is. And so are others who will say anything and do anything to keep the Mille Lacs Academy in Onamia. Don't you wonder why they are fighting so hard? Why not just say, well... the people don't want you in their neighborhood so you'll have to find somewhere else to go - someplace that isn't next to toddlers and elderly widows. But geez.... It just makes you wonder why the city government would go to such lengths - such as tarnishing the reputations of their own police force... I actually feel embarrassed for our chief of police - being used in such a manner.
If I were Officer Bob, I'd be furious. Or maybe he really is just a big incompetent dork, as the MLA Royals, the Emperor and City Council, and Pronexus imply. Can't handle local kids. A real lunkhead. Can't protect the city. Thank goodness that the MLA PTBs are so well behaved. Only 40 assaults and 256 runaways and a few thefts, burglaries, sex crimes, etc.... Not like the town kids Officer Bob can't handle. Yep. If I were on the Onamia Police Force, I'd be pissed as hell. Putting my life on the line everyday and being accused of being too incompetent to be able to control town kids!
I would also think that knowing that our crime rate beats NYC, the citizens would hurry to replace the mayor and city councilmen, as well as the police force. We are talking some serious safety concerns.
Dr. Evil, former CEO of the Sex Offenders R Us Company has said time and again that the MLA PTBs are less trouble than the town kids. (He even had a printed brochure with statistics - False statistics, of course.) What he claimed about the town kids may or may not be true. The town joke that is circulating is: "How can you tell he's lying? His lips are moving." (Don't sue me! I'm not the one who said it!) He has shown a great deal of disrespect to our police department. Personally, I don't appreciate someone like Dr. Evil bringing a whole bunch of convicted criminals into our community and then putting down our cops. But that's just me. Seems o.k. with Larry and his friends. Then again, I still respect the law.
Larry hasn't said much about the crimes committed by the Mille Lacs Academy sex offenders, other than to declare that he has been aware of the numbers and types of crimes. The MLA PTBs are all convicted of sexual crimes which have hurt people. They do things like rape, sodomy, forced oral sex on teenagers, children and toddlers - both little girls and little boys. I know that besides these terrible sex crimes, many of the MLA PTBs have overlapping psycological problems such as impulse control issues, violence, and sociopathic characteristics such as lack of empathy, etc. Some are borderline or south of the border - retarded. Some are really big and really strong and really, really disturbed. Some have committed other crimes like theft and assault, etc.
That kid who raped that three-year-old boy at Kid's Quest the other day? Did it make you sick hearing what happened to that poor little toddler? We are getting 94 juvenile sex offenders right here in our backyard. Do you want them? Take them. Please.
Now we hear Dr. Evil's replacement, Mini-Me, spouting the same crap about how safe little old ladies and three-year-old toddlers will be in our neighborhood... Hey! The sheriff's deputy cruising our neighborhood was looking for an escaped sex offender. There were no escaped counselors running alongside. I'm sick of hearing all of the lies. I want the Truth! But nope. They just keep pouring it on. Slather it thick. Bamboozle the folks. If you tell a lie often enough, people will believe you. (I think Hitler said that, but don't hold me to it.) Will the people buy into the propaganda? Sure. Why not? They have since the beginning. It is much more comfortable than the truth. Ask Representative Sondra Erickson about that. She knows.


Anonymous said...

Dear Hannabelle

I want to thank you for keeping us informed about the Nexus academy. I appreciate what you have done to try keeping them out of the area. But for once, I think you've missed the point. It's one thing to compare the MLA crime rate to the local town kid crime rates but in the process, the crime rate in Bradbury Township has not been mentioned. Up until now, we have had virtually no crime at all, while Onamia is rampant with crime. With the relocation of the MLA, will Bradbury continue to maintain it's safety record or will it become the next Onamia?

Hannabelle said...

Dear Anonymous,

Thank you for your comment. You are absolutely correct. You make a good point. I'll see what I can come up with. Meanwhile, please mention this to everyone you know! And those you don't know too!
