Sunday, January 27, 2008

My Saturday Candy Date

Yesterday I attended the Democratic "meet the candidates" breakfast at the ROC building in Onamia. I heard that Al Franken would be there. I've been a fan of his since Saturday Night Live back in the '70's. I've always thought that he was a great American comedian. Smart and funny. But since he fearlessly took on propaganda-masters Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Riley and the war-mongering Bush Administration, by TELLING THE TRUTH, to me Al became a Great American Hero. But then, anyone who stands up to those jerks is okay by me. Anyway, Al Franken is intelligent, quick-witted, and politically sane. I hope he'll be the next US Senator from Minnesota.
Al Franken wasn't the reason I attended the event. In my line of work, you get over the "celebrity" thing pretty early on. And although it felt good to tell him about all the Anti-American shenanigans being perpetrated by our mayor and city council- especially in the case of Nexus, there's nothing he can do about it now. His reaction to our local government acting as an agent for a private corporation who is destroying our neighborhood by forcing convicted sex offenders next to daycare and elderly widows? "That's just awful!" he said. He was definitely disturbed with what I told him, but it felt good to know that it was them, not me that upset him. I wasn't the Town Pariah. They were! I've found that is the consensus out in the world, by the way. Normal people are simply horrified by our situation in Onamia. (Only certain Onamians and MLA benefitters accept what is being done to us here.)
One of the candidates we were there to meet is actually an old buddy of mine. We've been friends for nearly 30 years. In fact, we used to carpool to university. She is still as brilliant and energetic as she was back then, but now with a wealth of experience to draw upon. It was nice catching up on old times, but I didn't actually come to see her either. I came to meet up with We The People, and indeed they were there; Citizens involved in making a better America, citizens who care about democracy. Actually, I felt hopeful for the first time in a long time. Good, wise, ethical, competent, SANE people still exist! In Onamia, I've been dealing with Bully Milton and the Onamia Mafia for so long, that I've forgotten what its like to talk to normal folks who still believe in upholding the Constitution and Bill of Rights, rather than searching for sneaky ways to work around them in order to accomplish their own selfish purposes.
I'd hoped to talk to a few individuals about problems with the mayor and city council: about rewriting zoning laws to include juvenile sex offenders as an R2 zoning classification in order to circumvent existing ordinances (which protect citizens from this type of malfeasance); about their violations of the Open Meeting Law; about writing a new ordinance appointing themselves the Onamia Planning Commission - after I found out that they had been breaking city ordinances since 1999! That's nonfeasance, folks. Bully Milton and the Onamia Mafia have been very, very naughty... And very inept. We need to meet some new ONAMIA candidates! Its long overdue.
But there were relatively few citizens from Onamia at the meet the candidates meeting (which explains a lot...) Many attendees were from Princeton and Milaca and other parts of the state - even Grand Rapids. After the last candidate finished speeching, he opened the floor to questions. When nobody else had anything to say, I grasped the serendipitous opportunity to address not only the candidate but the entire audience as well. And I stood up and spoke extemporaneously. I was amazed at how easy public speaking has become. Maybe its just a matter of practice. Maybe its because I am passionate about the message, as we all should be.
But get this! They LISTENED! People LISTENED!!! And wait- it gets better! Many people were outraged by what they heard! Several people approached me after the meeting with questions or to offer advice and support. Most of them seemed quite shocked to hear what's going on in Onamia. Why? Because it is so very bizarre! So unthinkable! So horrific! These voters know that putting sex offenders in a residential neighborhood is WRONG and a government who recklessly endangers its citizens in order to benefit a private corporation is WRONG.
Recently I wrote about having nothing but bad days. Well, I finally had a good one. People want to know the TRUTH. They want to right the wrongs. We The People are alive and well and ready to fight and VOTE against those politicians who abuse the power of their offices. From city officials to county commissioners (yes that means you, Phil and Frank....), from state representatives (start packing Sondra!) to US Senators (bye-bye Norm) and yes, all the way up to the presidency - GOOD RIDDANCE DICK AND GEORGE!!!! We The People will not be bamboozled and Nexusified any longer.
The Dirty Twelve? Make that one hundred and twelve thousand... And WE are not dirty. We are The People.

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