Kids today can't hardly imagine what life would be like without computers, Nintendo and Playstations. Not only can I imagine, I remember. When I was growing up, we had to entertain ourselves non-electronically. My sister and I rode horses, trained and showed dogs, ice-skated and skied in the winter and went swimming and biking in the summer. Everyone read books constantly. We played music and painted pictures. My family also loved to play games. We'd play cards and all the traditional old board games such as Sorry, Monopoly and Trivial Pursuit. Boggle was a family favorite. My father and I played lots and lots of chess. But one of my fondest memories was when the four of us would gather around the table to put together a great big brand new jig-saw puzzle, the more pieces the better. I can still hear my dad: "If you have to use a hammer, it doesn't fit."
If you have to use a hammer, it doesn't fit.Of course, Dear Readers, you know what brought this to mind. For the past eight months, we've all watched as the Onamia City Council have picked up their hammers and pounded relentlessly at the NEXUS relocation to the 38.81 acres. They've pounded and pounded and pounded some more. And still... it doesn't fit.
The 38.81 wasn't for sale. pound pound pound! They had to convince Steve Bye to sell it.
Get Bill Hill's kid to write up a purchase agreement. pound pound pound! It was faulty and would have to be done over - (twice).
Steve didn't own the land. pound pound pound! They had to get the signatures of the owners in Massachusetts.
There was evidence of tax fraud on the property. No pounding here. Just ignore that piece.
The 38.81 wasn't in Onamia City Limits. pound pound pound! They had to annex it from Bradbury Township.
We the People opposed the location and petitioned against their forced invasion. pound pound pound! They made their own counter-petition, collecting signatures from Ringers from far away places.....
Their petition is bogus.
We the People protest and oppose at every "public hearing". Throw that piece away. aye aye aye aye aye
pound pound pound! Adjust the building plans, tear down the forest. The annexation was faulty and had to be done over.
pound pound pound! And now,
spot zoning! POUND, POUND, POUND!Oh it just goes on and on and on. This has been a faulty puzzle from the beginning. I remember a prank my uncle pulled on us one Christmas, years ago. He had himself put a puzzle together, then removed every other piece and mailed them to us. No two pieces fit! Without the original box, we had no idea of what the picture was even supposed to look like.
Well, unlike the Onamia City Council, we quickly realized that the puzzle couldn't be solved. We didn't use a hammer to try to put it together. Being bright people, we realized it was a joke. When Nexus didn't fit into our neighborhood, the city council just pounded harder and harder until finally they have forced most of the pieces together. Certain pieces of the puzzle, like OUR RIGHTS, have fallen to the floor, to be left out of the picture. So you might imagine how the picture is turning out - ugly, bent, and making no sense.
But they're proud of "solving" this puzzle.... (sigh)
What's wrong with this picture? If you need a hammer, it doesn't fit.
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