Shut up and Deal...
Once again the deck was stacked with MLA jokers at City Hall last Wednesday as we sadly witnessed Lady Liberty take another brutal whipping. The Nexus City Council "Public Hearing" was a mere formality, as has become standard policy in Nexusville. Intending to provide what amounts to infinite tax abatement to his Lord and Master, the Nexusville mayor had already made up his mind long ago to toss people's hard-earned tax money into the ever deepening pockets of the corporation he serves. He had already made up the minds of the Nexusville City Council as well.
"We can vote you out!" shouted one outraged citizen. That's more than we can shout here in Bradbury Township. We don't have voting rights over the local government in charge of replacing our democracy with financial fascism, trading the public welfare for corporate welfare, sacrificing citizens - not for the good of the community, but for the good of their own wallets. The faces of the Nexusville City Council will change after the election in 2008. Of this there is no doubt. But once Nexus CGO Milton (Chief Government Official) erects the sex offender's facility, the irreparable damage will be a Done Deal There's Nothing You Can Do About It. If We The People allow them to do this to us, we are handing them a Permission Slip - It says: Here. Do what you will to us. We don't care.
I care.
Poopsie showed up at the Public I-Can't-Hear-You, pulling Aces out of his sleeves as usual. But he didn't fool We The People, at least most of us. Several times he was publicly called out for cheating. But that was to be expected... We The People are quite unbamboozleable by now. We're on to their tricks.
Para Deuces
There were two Nexus employees who spoke at the meeting. What really sickened me, was when one of them, a MLA teacher used her allotted five minutes to try to enlighten us as to the wonderfulness of Nexus, her employer, (which probably made quite a few points with Poopsie... if it do ya fine). While she spoke about not minding the daily commute from Brainerd to work with those poor troubled leaf-rakers, and blah blah blah, I looked around the room, studying the forlorn faces of my good neighbors.
As you know by now, I've lived here for almost thirty years - longer than the young MLA teacher has been alive. One neighbor has lived here for forty years. She is 82. They plan to put violent sex offenders right next door to her regardless of how frail and anxious she might be. Another neighbor has lived in Onamia since 1946 - over sixty years. He and his wife, another life-long Onamian raised their family in Onamia (long before it became Nexusville). Not only does their property abut the building site, so does their daughter's home. The Nexusville mayor disregards their opposition to having 94 sex offenders next door. I saw another neighbor who was born and raised here some five-plus decades ago... His Just-Say-No has been ignored. And yet another set of neighbors who have been here since long before I arrived. Their feelings are insignificant to the Nexus Regime. None of us matter. Period.
Between us we've accumulated hundreds of years in Onamia!
But we don't have an annual budget of $38 million between us...
This Nexus spokesperson, who was trying to make a case as to why her job was more important than our lives, our memories, our homes.... well, she started with Nexus this fall. She'd been enjoying her new job at the Academy for just over two months..... and she doesn't even live in Onamia. The President of the Teachers Union had never heard of her, which was.... weird.
The Nexus City Council in Nexusville seems to forget that we have lived and worked in this community most of, if not all of our lives. Long enough to retire here... We have all contributed to the community - paid our dues and paid our taxes... There is an old movie starring Anthony Quinn called "Nanook of the North." In it, the Eskimos put an old lady out on the ice, leaving her to die. Sound cruel? Onamia puts sex offenders next to our old ladies. Do they seek the same results?
What do you think? Why should this Brainerd girl's new job trump the rights of good local citizens who have spent their lives in Onamia?
Why aren't our seniors receiving seniority?
Could this be a crooked game using a stacked deck with each fixed hand being dealt by Poopsie? What is the name of the game? Minnesota Hold 'Em? Crazy Eights? Go Fish? Fortune 500? War? OLD MAID???
No matter the name of the game, we all know who will win the pot...
Hi Hannabelle,
Just a thought. Have you and your neighbors looked into suing the city or nexus in a class action? It doesnt' sound like you can reason with these people. I think you're getting a raw deal, but then I'm not a sex offender. NIMBY Sympathizer
Get you information straight before going off an a tangent about people you don't know. Get a life!
Jeeeeez. Where do they find these Nexus people? Never mind what county she lives in. What about what planet is she from? I think that takes a lot of nerve to defend a 2 month old job against people who want to keep their life long homes. I mean what ever happened to 'we were here first'? And respecting your elders? This is getting to be too much! Sign me up for Team Hannabelle! JC Walker
Dear Anonymous 12:23,
Thank you for your comment and for your support!
To answer your question, yes we have looked into class action, but for that you need a large group of people. We are a sparsely populated township. But there are other methods for us to purSUE, and we will no doubt end up in court. That seems our only alternative at this point. It will be very costly, but our lawyer says we have a pretty good case, after everything the city and Nexus has pulled. We have to wait until the property is actually annexed, purchased, sold, rezoned, resold, etc. before we can act. You may be able to give tax abatement on an imaginary deal. We're waiting for them to make it a reality. Then things will get interesting...
I'm glad you're not a sex offender. Neither am I. Looks like we're in the minority though!
Dear Anonymous 12:39,
Straight information. Crooked people.
Had a life. You stole it. Give it back.
Dear Anonymous 9:52,
I Knoooooooow! It's unbelievable!
Thanks for your comment and for your support! Welcome to the Team! Tell all of your friends! Thanks!
Hi Hannabelle,
We support you here in Oregon! I'm so sorry to hear about your situation. STAND UP for freedom-- fight these fascists!
I've had just about enough of this.
Hannabelle is telling you THE TRUTH. Maybe she's not telling you what you want to hear, but it doesn't make it any less true.
Nexus is playing you. Trust me, they don't have anywhere else to go. They are bluffing you big time, and will start playing dirty because they are avoiding the truth.
The truth is they're not telling you everything. THey are omitting crucial information. They are giving kickbacks to the city council.
Keep at 'em, Hannabelle. The truth is coming out... a little more every day.
Welcome back! Thanks again for your support. These are definitely hard times... You know, we all have to fight this corporatization of America and stand up for Freedom. Glad to hear you're going strong in the Pacific Northwest!
Thanks again,
Dear Enough,
Thanks for your comment and your support! Lying is commonplace for Nexus. I stand by that because I have proof. Do you really think the city council is getting kickbacks? I appreciate your comment, but we must be cautious in making any accusations unless we can back them up. If you know something concrete, please email evidence to me, k? If its true, I'd love to see them get busted :)
Thanks again,
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