"[Ramsey] county no longer has funds available to subsidize treatment for sex offenders ...."
And so it's begun...
According to an
article in the Minneapolis Star and Tribune today, the cuts made in Ramsey County affect
adult sex offender programs. All of you Pro-nexus can relax... for now.
Of course, the news was no surprise to me. However, I
was stunned to read that adult sex offender treatment programs can cost "more than $5,000 a year" and that the offenders themselves will now have to "pick up the whole tab." Those without health insurance have to pay "a minimum of more than $100 per month."
$100 per month??? Wow!
Contrast that with the 2007 figure of each MLA juvenile sex offender costing us about
$245 per DAY, which adds up to
not $100 per month, but
$7,350 per month, or roughly $88,200 per year... 1
And who pays the fiddler? Why, you do.
If you pay county taxes, you foot the bill - unless, of course, you've been granted tax abatement - like Nexus was back in 2007. If so, read my lips.
I called Mille Lacs County Commissioner Frank Courteau one day and asked if I too could get some taxpayer dollars to help pay for my legal costs in the two harassment lawsuits Nexus has waged against me. The answer, of course was a definite NO WAY JOSE'... Was I nuts to think that
taxpayers would pay for a
taxpayer's lawsuits she was SLAPPed with while standing up for
taxpayers' rights in fighting
tax abatement for a company primarily subsidized by
taxpayers??? What was I
thinking! (Actually, I was thinking it would be nice to have a lawyer...)
Although I'm
pretty sure they intend your taxes to be spent on sex offender
treatment and not on lawyer and court fees, it would appear that the county unwittingly only provides funding for the multi-million dollar corporate
Plaintiffs in my bogus court cases. I am just the unlucky Defendant. I'm just a ... citizen... one who happenstancingly ended up in the way, darn it all. Besides. I'm honest. I'm broke. I'm not a wheeler-dealer. There's nothing to be gained politically or otherwise by granting me favors. I'm just a citizen like you. I am disposible. Like a diaper.
For those of you following the Trials of Hannabelle, the next step is court-ordered "Mediation"... Yeah, yeah... I know... yet another pointless and inconvenient trip to the Cities as I begrudgingly lend my support to BP (the
other oil spill tycoon). It's yucky. I hate it. But then, I'm also used to it. These grab-a-rope proceedings have become my world according to garp- complement of my new cornerstone valued neighbors on the corner. (sigh)
Well, Dear Readers... with my "Free Speech" having been methodically and significantly "chilled" over these past three years and with "Mediation" scheduled for next Wednesday, I'd better just "well shut my mouth" before I acquire a few new frivilous lawsuits. After all, if I give up my Right to Remain Silent, anything I say WILL be used against me... or
twisted by the opposing attorney into something that will be used against me. What a privilege these lawyers have! They can say anything at all - even lie to the judge - without fear of being sued for defamation! Lucky for them. Lawyers still have Freedom of Speech! Too bad the rest of us don't.
Like me, you'll just have to wait to see what happens.
To write, or not to write... That will be the question.
I'm pretty sure they'll demand that I "chill" out. But hey! I'm just getting warmed up! I don't know what they've got to whine about anyway. They brought me on by themselves. It wasn't my choice to play in their game. By concentrating their efforts to defeat me, they have provided me with a very important cause, while making sure I've got nothing left to lose. A clever strategy??? My personal opinion (so sue me) is that their time and our tax money would be more wisely spent on county politics - preventing the escalation of the Domino Effect that could and might actually destroy their business, rather than on beat up on harmless old Hannabelle who, as always, just wants to be left alone by them.
To all you casino patrons - wish me luck.
To all you Christ-y folks - say a prayer for me.
To Freeman and D'Angelo - see you there. Face to face at last. ;)
$Cuts made to Ramsey County offender programs
The county no longer has funds available to subsidize treatment for sex offenders and domestic abusers.
By PAT PHEIFER, Star Tribune$1 The $245 per day figures apply to 2007-2008 data. It probably costs more now. (Everything does). Does anyone know what the per diem costs are today? Send me a comment if you do! Thanks.