Monday, March 30, 2009

Me and Bobby McGee...

"Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose."

I know that some of my enemies, perhaps even possibly the judge, have been waiting for Hannabelle to comment on the court's denial of her Motion to Dismiss what we now refer to as the "Free-angelo Vendetta".

What exactly is the Free-angelo Vendetta? (There's nothing free about it...) It is a bogus law suit brought against Hannabelle with the purpose of 1.) removing her First Amendment rights to freedom of speech in order to silence her; 2) using her as a scapegoat to intimidate others from speaking out; 3) punishing her through the financial hardships incurred through being caught in our unfair justice system.

As if suing me will gain him the respect he apparently so desperately craves from me, Poopsie and his sidekick have painted us into an awkward and expensive corner from which there seems no simple escape. You see, not only is it costly to be sued, nor is it cheap to sue, even if the two Sewers split the massive legal bills. Of course, for such wealthy scumbags, its just lunch money at the country club. Its a little harder for a disabled woman on a low fixed income. (No Golden Parachute from which to pay MY lawyers...) Hardly a level "playing field" for Free-angelo's beloved "game".

This is exactly what I meant when I said that Poopsie is a guy who "preys on the elderly and infirm" - one of my phrases objected to in the law suit. Do you think Poopsie would have sued me if I was a rich, powerful MAN who had millions to pay my lawyers in between my vacations to Palm Springs and Italy? I doubt it. Just like he chose a neighborhood of elderly widows and disabled folks to force his sex offenders into, i.e. a group of innocent, regular people without the means to fight back, he has used his wealth to crush the poor disabled gal with the mouth.

Does it surprise me that the judge ruled against my Motion to Dismiss? Not at all. First of all, she's a Republican. They never seem to grasp reality. She doesn't appear to even understand the SLAPP laws. Also, since Poopsie LIED on his sworn affidavit, and the judge hasn't heard all of the evidence we have against the Plaintiffs yet, I don't really blame her. She said that the SLAPP law is "meant to be a shield, not a sword".

A sword. I was pretty proud of that. :) My words are a powerful sword - so damn scary that two powerful, controlling men didn't even have the nerve to face me in court. Yes. That's right. I did not have the opportunity to face my accusers. Let's face it. Their behavior sure doesn't make them look good. Its like "PLEASE JUDGE! MAKE HER STOP!!!! SHE KEEPS CALLING ME 'POOPSIE' AND IT IS SOOOOO EMBARRASSING!!!!"


Just like when Poopsie wrote the the mayor begging him to control Hannabelle. If it weren't so tragic, it would be downright laughable. HER WORDS ARE A SWORD!!!! MAKE HER STOP!!!! PLEASE!!!!! OUCH OUCH OUCH!!!


I hate wimpy guys. Neither of these yahoos had the balls to face Hannabelle. They were too afraid to talk on the phone. (CLICK!) Didn't answer emails ("I don't want to give you the satisfaction," he said smugly.) And never once COMMUNICATED to me NICELY. It was all DO WHAT I SAY, WENCH - OR MY GREAT AND POWERFUL LAWYERS WILL BRUTALLY DESTROY YOU!!!!! BWAHAHAHA!!!!

So what. Do what ya gotta do, big boy.

"I'd trade all my tomorrows for a single yesterday..."

Once they decided to build that horrible facility to house their sex offenders in my front yard, everything was ruined. You know, these assholes never even said they were sorry. They are not polite people. They never apologized to my MOM for stealing HER happiness and ruining HER life. LISTEN UP, OLD WOMAN. WE'RE PUTTING 94 CONVICTED SEX OFFENDERS IN YOUR FRONT YARD. ITS AN UNLOCKED FACILITY AND THEY FREQUENTLY ESCAPE!!!! JUST TRY TO SLEEP NOW OLD HAG!!!! BWAHAHAHA!!!! In fact, Poopsie blamed ME for her perforated ulcer. That would also be laughable if not so tragic.

I thought it was important to inform the government about the character of the Nexusians who were demanding tax abatement. You know, lying and misleading in order to gain public funding. (Wow. Nexus sounds a lot like Wall Street!) Everything I wrote was with the intent to influence the government. BUT NOW, HANNABELLE!!! ITS TOO LATE!!!! YOU CAN'T USE YOUR SWORD ANY LONGER AND CLAIM PROTECTION FROM THE SLAPP LAW!!!

Hell. I guess you'll just have to sue me some more, you habitual Sewers. Apparently, this judge didn't even know that we webmasters have statistics with the IP addresses of everyone who visits our web sites. (How 'bout those death threats ;) She didn't seem to realize that I could see when the government was examining my Sword. Yes. My target (no pun intended) audience...

And now? Well... I just don't think its right that any old corporation can dictate what happens to individual citizens, removing our rights, having laws changed to accommodate the needs of the company, and then also take away our right to complain. Using the legal system this way - as with the Free-angelo Vendetta - is wrong. Its kind of like being legally raped.

Listen up boys. There are at least two things you might as well give up on. You will NEVER succeed in forcing me to shup up. And you will NEVER succeed in forcing me to respect you.

Oh, by the way... the Onamia police came down my road the other day and turned around in my mom's yard. From the slow crawl of the patrol car, it was obvious the cop was searching in the area for someone.... An MLA runaway perhaps? It sure wouldn't be the first time. And this BEFORE the sex offenders move in down the street! What will it be like after they're living here???

Anyway, I called my mom immediately. When I asked if she was alright, if the police car scared her, she said, "Well, yes. I thought 'I wonder what she's done now!'"

I thought you'd like that. :)

"Freedom's just another word for nothin' left to lose,
And nothin' left was all he left to me..."

Friday, March 27, 2009

Company Loves Misery

I don't like to make mistakes, but when I do, at least I can admit them. I've made several over the past two years of the Nexus Invasion. Probably my biggest mistake was to count on public support for our "cause". This one bothers me - because I already knew better than to think that other people are like me. Still, I actually believed that people in the community would feel the outrage - about how the Onamia city council was changing laws and removing the rights of citizens; how the public was being misled and outright lied to; and especially how Mayor Larry Milton and the Onamia city council, and Commissioner Frank Courteau and the county board pushed through tax abatement so that Nexus doesn't have to pay property taxes while WE pick up the slack... If nothing else riled up the meek, I was sure THAT would. But, apparently, if there's one thing Mille Lacs County citizens love better than convicted sex offenders, its higher taxes. At least, that's the only explanation that makes sense. They must love sex offenders and higher taxes, or there would have been some outrage... So you see, I was mistaken. I admit it.

But I should have remembered that people are different. I've never hesitated to risk my neck when it came to matters of principle. I'd be ashamed of myself if I didn't stand and shout, "THIS IS WRONG!" I guess it comes down to a person's moral courage. I must say I haven't witnessed much courage - moral or otherwise in my fellow citizens. I have seen lots of apathy - there's nothing we can do anyway ; fear - Oh Hannabelle, what if we offend someone? ; ignorance - "THEY'RE NOT SEX OFFENDERS!" ("Well, Jerome, actually they are..."). I've seen people roll over and play dead. I've felt the nervous anxiety in people who are afraid of losing their jobs if they speak up against Nexus. People who crumble under the threat of being "no longer welcome in town." This sort of intimidation, hard-ass tactics, along with the propaganda and lies not only show me how right I've been and how horribly wrong the city council and county commissioners have been about a very bad company, it all makes ME want to fight against the wrongfulness all the more. And yes I made one of the biggest mistakes of my life. Oh, not the fighting. I'm very proud of that. I'm a "give me Liberty or give me death" kind of gal. The mistake was in overestimating We The People. Its like the old joke: "What do you mean "we" Kimosabe?"

The other huge mistake I made was really not my fault. Like most everybody else, I assumed that the "Sexus" corporation was run by qualified professionals who would behave in a dignified and professional manner. I didn't expect junior high. But really - who knew??? How could you know when so much information has been withheld and so much of the propaganda you've been spoon-fed is false? Isn't this a company which is supposed to be helping people? Don't the non-minimum wage employees have advanced degrees in things like psychology and sociology? Aren't they good people just working to make the world a better place?

On the surface, they might seem like "good neighbors", especially if you listen to what they tell you. But its what they DON'T tell you that you most need to pay attention to. They didn't tell you, for instance, about the eleven year old boy who was killed by a Nexus employee. They didn't tell you about their facility in Fairmont, MN. (Hmmm.) They didn't tell you that they transferred money from one bank account to another and then claimed the transfers as "DONATIONS" in order to gain public funding, (i.e. property tax exemption). They didn't tell you that they provided the county with false figures on their tax abatement application. (I have the documents, Vic. Don't worry. It will ALL come out at trial.) Can you say: Tip of the iceberg?

Now, I'd like to remind you that I didn't pick this fight with Nexus OR the government. THEY imposed themselves on ME. And if it isn't bad enough that they blackmailed the city government into finding them land, changing laws, annexing despite protest, rezoning to suit Nexus; are forcing 94 convicted sex offenders next to day care, children, elderly widows and vulnerable adults; stealing our privacy, ruining our neighborhood, lowering our property values, raising our taxes; breaking their promises, lying about safety, etc. etc. If all of that isn't bad enough, they have demonstrated the nature of their TRUE "cornerstone values", shown their own version of "compassion" and "concern" with a VENDETTA to destroy me, personally. Because I stood up and said, "THIS IS WRONG!" Nice people, huh? Real professionals, huh? Psychology wizards, huh? Good with kids?

Nexus - the Sex Offenders R Us company makes its $40 million per year from misery. The misery of poor, troubled sex offenders. The misery of their victims. The misery of citizens struggling with high taxes who are unaware that their tax dollars are supporting this corporation. This company not only loves misery.... it SPREADS it.

And if you think about how they have treated people who stand up against them, like me... you will see that they have proven me right by their own actions. Its not all about money and power. Mostly, but not all. Its about IMAGE. Without their IMAGE, they can't carry out the scheme to get the money and power. Its not about "helping" anybody but themselves. If you have any doubt at all, just look at how they are using the legal system to deny me my First Amendment rights. They're brutal. And they want YOU to know it. Don't mess with Nexus. Look what they did to Hannabelle.

If you don't feel the outrage, you probably never will. That's okay. I have enough for everyone.

"If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter."
George Washington

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Misery Loves Company

At least one of Hannabelle's predictions about some negative effects of plopping an unlocked sex offender facility into a residential neighborhood apparently has already come true. Didn't I warn you that property values would drop while taxes would go up?

Its even worse than I imagined.

Not only did the estimated market value of our property drop substantially, and our property taxes take a 28% hike upwards, we apparently will now be taxed on a property value which exceeds what our property is worth. Huh? you say? Huh? I say. How can that be possible? How can you be ordered to pay taxes on more than your property is worth - and from whose ass did that number come from?

If the property is worth $300, shouldn't you pay taxes on that $300?

Not in Mille Lacs County.

For example, let's say your place was worth $300 before the city brought sex offenders into your neighborhood. Now - with the sex offenders - your property value has dropped to $200. Let's say your taxes used to be $10 per year. Now they've been raised to $75. And somehow, even though your place is now only worth $200 and your taxes have leapt up, you are suddenly being taxed on a property value of not $200, not $300 BUT $500. Does this make sense?

Only in Mille Lacs County.

Of course, to simplify, for my little example I made up these numbers, without doing accurate math, primarily because to me it seemed like one of those arithmetic problems - a train leaves San Francisco heading east at 28 miles per hour while a train leaves New York heading west at 35.... I used to hate those. I much preferred the 2 + 2 = 4 straight forward problems. In the case of our taxes, I have no idea where the numbers came from. They seem arbitrary. Its like 2 - 1 + 3 x a + b (carry the 1) stop for pie and the answer is: a 28% raise in our taxes (while meanwhile Nexus gets a tax-free ride). YOU GOT A PROBLEM WITH THAT????

Well, actually I do.

Property values have gone up every year for.... every year. Now suddenly our place is worth less - for no reason at all? Well, I think we know what the reason is... And our taxes have sky-rocketed? That figure of 28% is real. I didn't make that up. And while ordinary citizens are struggling in a bad economy, both the county and the city of Onamia gave Nexus, (a privately owned commercial enterprise which subsists primarily through our tax dollars and which made over $40 million last year) - had the audacity to grant them tax abatement - meaning that THEY don't have to pay property taxes... ever ... We pay taxes so Nexus doesn't have to... Does that seem fair? No? Then why didn't you SAY something? Why did you let the government screw you over???

Anyway, perhaps there is a "mistake" on our taxes. But apparently, it isn't just our household that got hit with such a "mistake". The county accessor is prepared to address everyone's concerns on April 3 and April 10. They must expect quite a few "concerns"....

So... taxes raised. Property values down. And taxable market values pulled out of somebody's ass. The county eliminated 5 county jobs recently due to lack of funds. Yeah, sure the economy is crumbling. But while we struggle, Nexus doesn't have to pay taxes, the former CEO got his Golden Parachute, and the community which virtually ignored the tax abatement issue has now focused their attention on getting a new library in Onamia ... as if people in this county read while sitting in their deer stands... And of course yet another tax levy is proposed in order to support the library. Just what we need - more taxes.

Maybe there is a simple explanation to our personal tax problem and things will get sorted out after we talk to the county accessor. Hey! Maybe I'll see you down at the courthouse, standing in line. I'll be the one wearing a tee-shirt that says: "I told you so!"

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Vee Haff Vays uff Making Her Tock...

"The more he hurt her, the harder she fought back".

Michael Palmer, from The First Patient

It looks like we'll eventualy end up going to trial after all. I'm looking forward to it, actually. It is in front of a jury that the Truth will come out... Of course, we have other avenues to pursue in the meantime. But I have a good feeling about the final outcome. A very good feeling. Justice WILL prevail. The bully oppressors will be exposed for the vindictive monsters they really are.

Don't forget - Discovery is a two-way street!

Can of Worms

n. Informal., pl. cans of worms.
A source of unforeseen and troublesome complexity.