Yesterday. 7 a.m. RUDE awakening. The roar of bulldozers, backhoes, chainsaws. Whatever... Noise. Really irritating noise. Fingernails on the blackboard, dentist drill, squeaky balloon rubbing, cat in heat yowling, teeth grinding NOISE! What a nasty way to wake up. NEXUS has begun destroying the neighborhood with their unique NEXUS style - that is - with a vengeance.
$One of their first actions (frontal assault) - chopping down the two hundred year old evergreen trees. Now they are NEVERGREENS. Now they are dead. For 200 years, they survived droughts, flooding, storms, lightning, winter cold, bugs and disease... But they couldn't survive NEXUS. (Who can?) Sex Offenders R Us wiped out their 200 years in a matter of minutes. Those trees were special. Magnificent. Irreplaceable. Surely NEXUS could have built their road a few feet to the north and saved them. But NEXUS has already shown that they prefer to bulldoze anything or anybody that stands in their way. Too inconvenient or costly to go around. Geez. Why should they respect Nature. They don't respect people. (Hey Vic, I'll testify to this. Not only is it my OPINION, it is my EXPERIENCE.)
$NEXUS wins again!
Well, they certainly showed those naysaying trees. That'll teach them to put down roots where NEXUS might someday decide to TAKE. It was the trees own damn fault. They should have seen NEXUS coming and got out of the way.
$ Remember Jim D'Angelo at public hearings??? "We will leave a small footprint..." Or how about when he talked about the limited number of trees that would be taken??? Folksies, they are clear-cutting those woods. Looks like they forgot their promise to work with local residents and include the neighbors in the planning stage... Oops.
$Who could have foreseen the lies? (Well, except for Hannabelle...)
And it is nesting time... Well, that will teach those stupid birds a lesson. Don't get in NEXUS' way! It's their own fault, you know. Those birds shouldn't have built their homes in trees NEXUS promised not to cut down even if they fully intended to clear-cut and destroy. How dare them! Those birds should have shown proper respect...
Baby rabbits... The helpless little ones nesting on the 38.81... Oh well. It's okay to sacrifice the baby rabbits for the good of the community. The HUMAN community... Of course, the parents can always move away and have more. They breed like rabbits, after all.
$But then, let us not forget what NEXUS is replacing this glorious wildness with... 94 convicted juvenile sex offenders who have been adjudicated through the courts after causing sexual harm to others. Personally, I prefer the deer, the bears, the foxes, the bunnies, the birds, and other animals to toddler molesters and their handlers. And if I express myself further right now, NEXUS will hit me with yet another frivolous lawsuit.
$Because... that's just how they are.

Video coming soon.
And a few words for Onamia Councilman Bob Mickus...
Stay tuned.