Friday, February 29, 2008
Repeat Offenders
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
The End Zone
*I wasn't at all surprised to see the results of the poll which asked: "What do you think a sex offender facility should be zoned as?" As I anticipated, the Pronexus answered D. Residential. No surprise. They would say that whether they knew the correct answer or not, just to be .... well... Pronexus. But the fact is, a "residential" sex offender facility just isn't the same as a residential zoning. And call it what you like, there is no way of getting around what it really is: A correctional treatment center for juvenile sex offenders.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Friday, February 22, 2008
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Monday, February 18, 2008
The Long and Short of It
Would you all be happy if I just ended my life and got out of your way? Would that do ya? Maybe life isn't too short. Maybe its too long.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
NIMBY You Fools
Without them, there would be no Bradbury Buzzz.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Me and Mini-Me
I commented to Mille Lacs Academy Director Paul Smith at the January 30th "We Can't Hear You, We're NOT Listening, So Screw You!" that it was just plain uncanny how similar David Hutchinson - the new NEXUS CEO is to the former NEXUS CEO. I said, "He's just like D'Angelo only smaller!" Kind of like a white rat compared to a white mouse. Oddly alike. I suppose that rat comment will get me into trouble. Free speech isn't free in Nexusville. I'll get sued again. I wonder if Mini-Me's temper is as bad as Dr. Evil's. Dr. Evil is suing me because I called him arrogant. I suppose that comparing Mini-Me to Dr. Evil is just the same as calling him arrogant too. Soooo. Oh well. Let them come after me. They just make themselves look mean, nasty, and.... foolish.
Please realize that there is absolutely nothing congruent between this behemoth mega-complex with its 5 institutional buildings, roads, driveways, huge parkinglots and of course - its 94 convicted sex offenders and the rest of our peaceful, rural neighborhoods. They are trying to dodge the Spot Zoning issue. It won't work. We live on small farms in single houses. There are no apartment buildings or schools nearby - although why would you put sex offenders near such places??? We have lots to discuss, my friends. :)
Their World and Welcome to it.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Nexusville Podunkers
Monday, February 11, 2008
Daddy's Girl
and we must never assume that justice
is on the side of the strong.
The use of power must always
be accompanied by moral choice."
Theodore Bikel
I once asked my dad about the Mayor of Nexusville. This is what he said:
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Two Bits
Friday, February 8, 2008
Falling into the Evil Trap

Deadly Rampage at City Hall
Thursday, February 7, 2008
O.K. Shoot the Messenger!
But then ..... it was updated......
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Cops and Rubbers
Or so we hear.
Over and over...
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Now ain't that a SLAPP in the face
A Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation,
in which a corporation or developer sues an organization in an attempt to scare it into dropping protests
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Don't Shoot the Messenger
I'd like to thank our local newspaper - the real newspaper - The Mille Lacs Messenger for their coverage of the January 30 Zoning Public Hearing at the Onamia City Hall, and for making this video available to the world through YouTube.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
On THEIR Terms
The problem was that this group of local decision-makers, most of them elected - but not by us, of course - concentrated so hard on meeting the terms of one and only one "tree" that not only did they miss seeing the "forest", they completely forgot there were other "trees". They never considered anyone else. Never even gave us a thought. That pissed us off.
By the time they noticed us at all, they'd spent some time, some money. At this point, they really should have cut their losses, abandoned the absurd idea of putting sex offenders into this residential neighborhood and found land on the commercial east or south side of town. Instead, they decided to sacrifice We-The-Saplings in order to appease the Great Nexus Tree. We were in the way. They decided to chop down the Not-Nexus-Never NIMBY Naysayers. The Bradbury Idiots. The Dirty Twelve. *
Looking at documents from the past couple of years, it troubles me that nobody bothered to research the company or its impact on our community - other than the jobs issue, that is. The city council became so intent on winning that they never asked: Is the prize worth it?
*Friday, February 1, 2008
Crimes and Misdemeanest
Bad boys, bad boys - whatcha gonna do?
For the past nine months we've been hearing reports about the Mille Lacs Academy's "safety record". In fact, we Naysayers have been scoffed at and scorned for our concern about the safety of our children, our elderly parents, our property, and ourselves. What the hell is wrong with us? How can we be so 'afraid' of these poor troubled boys? Geez.
Every one of our concerns has been countered by the opposition. Nexus even published a brochure of its lies - in order to hide the Truth and control public opinion. (Jim D'Angelo himself was there as the lies on the Mille Lacs Academy "Fact Sheet" were distributed at the November 14 tax abatement public hearing.) Nexus tells us that in the last decade there has only been "one incident". It involved a stolen vehicle. They had to fess up to the stolen van - because it belonged to one of the Naysayers in the Neighborhood. Nexus tells us that there have been no incidents in the past five years. This is blatantly false.
In the last 5 years, there have been:
Not zero. Not one.
Imagine if 256 convicts escaped from Stillwater State Prison. An average of one per month. Would neighbors be chastised for complaining? Would the community stand for such a breach of their safety? Would they accept being lied to?
Some of these convicted PTBs on the police reports, including some young men standing 6 feet tall and weighing 200 pounds, are violent and dangerous and disturbed. They are at the Academy because they have already hurt people - and they continue to hurt people. And they do escape. 256 and counting!
Why are we being told that they are not violent when they are? Why are we being told that they don't escape when they do? The statistics also don't include the local girl who got pregnant by the MLA sex offender, or the poor troubled teenage girl who was exposed to the AIDS virus. We're told that these MLA PTBs are under constant supervision. Does that mean their counselors are with them while these boys are sexually engaged with local teenage girls? Then there are the serious injuries to staff that we discovered. One man was disabled, perhaps permanently by one of the PTBs. Nobody has been talking about stuff like that. But they're starting to. And of course, there's a lot we don't know and will never know about what goes on at the Academy.
Why are we being lied to?
The city government - 5 nothing-special guys - have made the decision that a few jobs in the community take priority over the safety and welfare of citizens. They claim there are no danger issues, and in fact point to the Mille Lacs Academy's long record of "being a good neighbor". Good neighbors don't lie. Especially about things that could harm you and your family. Good neighbors don't put 94 sex offenders next to daycare.
Have the city council and county commissioners ever looked at the record? Or have they blindly accepted the lies? Are they intentionally misleading the citizens? Or are they ignorant of what's going on?
At the rezoning public hearing on Wednesday, January 30, Mayor Bully Milton revealed that he has been well-aware of the crime statistics. He's known all along. He's seen all the reports for the past seventeen years, he said. Actually, he didn't seem bothered about the crime statistics or Nexus' lies. He was, however obviously very agitated and angry that we Bradbury Idiots got hold of the information. In fact, he bellowed at us, accusing us of some wrong-doings in obtaining it. "Its public information," we informed the mayor.
We've compiled the sheriff and police reports together and published the statistics in the Mille Lacs News so that everyone can see for themselves what's going on. We've also debunked the Mille Lacs Academy "Fact Sheet".