Can Onamia handle all of this shit?
Friday, November 30, 2007
Whack and Sack
Can Onamia handle all of this shit?
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Through the Night
I've been trying to rest because tomorrow will be another very hard day and I'll need to be strong. But I keep thinking about my mom - and my anger towards the Hegemonists is a level ten on the old Loath-o-meter. (If that Pronexus goon who keeps threatening me were here right now, I'd invite him to "go ahead and make my day..." I'm in a mood!) And I keep thinking back to my first conversation with Poopsie when he used several tactics to try to manipulate me. I think I wrote about that previously. He used the "Friendly Approach", the "Fatherly Approach", the "Flattery Approach", etc. But he also said some pretty nasty things, including "There must be really BAD PEOPLE in your neighborhood!" .... Yeah right. Why? Because we fight against Space Invaders who don't abide by the rules as they force themselves down our deep throats? That makes us "BAD PEOPLE"? Well, I'm not overly fond of all of my neighbors, but I don't think there's a sex offender in the bunch and to my knowledge everyone PAYS THEIR TAXES, so I think that's a little Pot calling the Kettle black, don't you? In psychology 101, the term for this particular defense mechanism is "Projection". Look in the mirror. The fact is: WE DON'T WANT BAD PEOPLE IN OUR NEIGHBORHOOD!!! That's why we certainly didn't invite you.
My mom and I disagree about the sex offenders. I actually think they need some sort of treatment - just not in my backyard. Not here! She thinks they should be punished for the harm they have caused their victims. They are convicted sex offenders, after all. She doesn't think they deserve a $14 million dollar facility. (She's sweet, but not one to coddle.) I'm starting to be swayed to her way of thinking. To tell you the truth (and I always do), I don't think NEXUS or its sex offenders deserve anything but a boot in the butt, a foot in the fanny, a kick out of the county.
It makes me so mad when the Pronexus try to pass off the PTBs as "normal" kids. Do you know what the difference is between a normal, curious (horny) adolescent experimenting with his up-and-coming sexuality and these sex offenders? The offender has caused harm to someone he has victimized. This is not a case of "you show me yours and I'll show you mine." The sex offender HURTS people! The offender usually realizes what he is doing is wrong. He forces himself on his victims for his own gratification without consideration for his victims' feelings. Rape isn't about sex, its about Power. He lacks empathy for his victims. He doesn't accept responsibility for his actions, or he justifies his crimes. He might even blame the victim. Or he might bribe and manipulate his victims. He may use the same tactics Poopsie tried to use on me during that famous first conversation... (Not that Poopsie tried to bribe me. No new truck here...) The offender gets off on being in Control. And very often, he threatens his victims with: "If you tell, I'll sue you!"
No wait. That's NEXUS that does that.
The sex offender often threatens: "If you tell, I'll KILL you!"
No wait. NEXUS does that too!
[WHOOP! WHOOP! LAW SUIT ALERT! LAW SUIT ALERT! I'm not saying NEXUS threatened to kill me. Let me clarify... Its the relatives of a NEXUS employee who have been threatening and harassing me. I just wanted to make that perfectly clear. Okay, Mr. Manderfeld?]
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Fathers Knows Best
What I'm saying is: You Pronexus people think that the Government cares about you? Think again. The Government doesn't care about YOU. It cares only about your job. YOU can be replaced. As can we all... even the Government. Wait until the next election if you don't believe me now.
What has happened to us in our neighborhood will one day happen to you. Maybe they won't dump 94 sex offenders on your doorstep, but rest assured that by giving them this inch, they will eventually take your mile... in some shape or form. So if we lose to city hall, it isn't confined to Bradbury residents and surrounding property owners. Let's put it this way: If NEXUS wins, we ALL LOSE. The Government has overstepped its boundaries - both literally and figuratively. Instead of protecting its citizens, it has decided that All Men (and Women) Are NOT Created Equal after all. They have stripped us of our individual identities. We have been collectively labeled the "Bradbury Idiots" not because we're stupid, but because we are CHALLENGING them as we fight for our rights - rights bestowed upon us by the Founding Fathers who knew a bit more than the shortsighted unimaginative Onamia mayor and his brown-nosing Yes-men.
Is anyone FREE in Onamia? Nope. Some of us are exceptionally oppressed. Others may not be free, but may possibly be purchased - when the price is right.....
Our Founding Fathers foresaw problems with government because they understood that: Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. They planned ways to keep Bad Individuals from gaining too much Power as well as ways to stop the abuse or misuse of that Power. The three branches of our government kept a Balance of Power. A representative government of the People, by the People, and for the People with periodic elections kept Bad Individuals from taking over our country. But there's something else. Something really important which many of us tend to forget... Who is responsible for safeguarding our Democracy? Who is in charge of making Government tow the line? Why - We the People! That's who! And we'd better make darn sure that we do a good job of watch-dogging. Its important.
So anyone who wants to support the sex offenders at Mille Lacs Academy should be scrambling like mad to keep this out-of-control malignant local town mayor and city council from Doning this Deal in this way. Support your sex offenders, but don't forfeit your Constitutional rights to do so. For by forfeiting our rights, you are forfeiting your own. Folks - what has been done here is WRONG! It is Un-American. If you don't speak out against our fascist local government now, when they are changing the ordinances to allow a commercial institution into a residential neighborhood which opposes this travesty... if you don't stop them when they have a hundred sex offenders in their hands, how will you stop them when they decide to dump nuclear waste in your back yard? If we can't stop them now, you won't be able to stop them tomorrow - when its YOUR turn... And then it might be too late for you. Hannabelle? Hannabelle? We NEED you Hannabelle! I might not be able to hear you from my 80 acre wilderness retreat in Somewhere, Canada.
Think about it.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Talking To Turkeys
And to that we say "No Thanks".
Monday, November 19, 2007
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Like Daughter, Like Mother
Thank you again!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
When it Rains
P.S. Keep the comments coming. I'll do my best to keep up.
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Deja Vous All Over Again
I fought them then, as best I could. But what can an angry, broken-hearted fourteen year old girl do to stop "Progress"? About as much as an angry, broken-hearted fifty-three year old woman, I guess. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Back in 1968, I tried going through the system, but then as now, you can't stop Goliath if you don't have at least 38 million dollars of stones for your sling. At fourteen, I didn't have enough stones to build a small beautiful waterfall. Fearlessly, I stood in front of bulldozers daring them to run me over. You probably know how effective THAT was... Like now, there was no way to stop the destruction. At fourteen, I learned a lot about people and power. I learned that I didn't care much for people in general, and I certainly had no power at all. That hasn't changed much either.